^True, although Smile Pretty For The Devil could rock too.

The thing COB did right after Wacken is just one the things I mentioned earlier. There are at least two other nice things coming up. When I first mentioned the "promising news", the info of Testament opening for COB wasn't announced so all in all there were 4 cool things.

So we're missing 3 atm? Cool!

I have a source :) that says they were in Germany for a new video. But i don't know which song they chose to promote.

Hm, that's cool! Can't wait to see it.
Most likely IMO is One day you'll cry. My wish is though RKM or SPFtD, Spftd is my favorite song off Blooddrunk, love that instrumental shit after the song is about half through, blows me away
Well, it is Alexi's favorite on the album.

I say either Banned from Heaven or ODYWC.

It is a big hit

:lol: I'm not saying that it doesn't stand a chance, I'm just saying what I think, which has as much posibilities of becoming true as it has of becoming untrue, :lol:

One thing could be those DR signature strings he mentioned in that interview with Alexi & Tuomas. Just speculating...

That's true, good memory you have there!
Let's hope for a new dvd. I remember Janne mentionning that in an interview (

EDIT : Tie My Rope, Lobodomy or Banned From Heaven as a new single would please me ! (but i like the whole album so...)

The sad thing with Lobodomy is that it won't be included on a live setlist.

Banned from Heaven would make a kickass video, but I think it would need a cut. You'd also see Roope soloing.