i dont think they can ever get back to their old sound...this new direction they are taking is just not children of bodom...
i dont think they can ever get back to their old sound...

they're not actually trying to ...

an interview with Alexi from last year

What kind of message would you like to send to these so-called ´diehard´ C.O.B. -fans that basically have stuck with your past and insist you to do, let´s say, "Hatebreeder: Hate´s still Breeding - Part 2.", and kind of wouldn'tt allow the band to change from those days?

I guess I know what you mean by this question. Well, if SOMETHING WILD or HATEBREEDER is/are the only truth(-s) for them, then let it be. But the fact is, we won´t go back in time and re-do something all over again what we did in the past. I think it´s sometimes even healthy to open your mind a bit towards something new and just make some exploration around you. But like I already said, there´s no return back for us...
OH! What did you just do! You told him tha the ''new direction suckzorz'' is conscious and not because they suck bawlz now!!! Liar liar liar don't you know that Bodom suck now and it was betturz with OMGAle and that ESP are the others to blame???!1!!!11!

I'm pretty sure it will come out someday when things click.

Henkka told me they're not going to make another Silent Night, Bodom Night simply because they've already done that.

Well, with the expense of that, I hope they quit doing that chugging guitar stuff they occupied for a degree of the newer material.
The thing I like about Sinergy is that, even though it's Roope and Alexi, it sounds different to COB

There's still the melodic feel to it, but it's not as harsh a sound when it comes to the riffs, if that made sense
I know what you mean, and really like it too.

Despite what I said, I really want it to come out. I just have kind of given up on waiting for it.
Blooddrunk is a great album, just takes more time to get in to it then the other albums. But aren't so big on the guitar sound.

It is Seymour Duncan fault.
If I were be a pessimist and had to say what's wrong about Blooddrunk, I would say they're just trying to be heavy, and most of the album is just waiting for the climax to come but it doesn't come.

If next time they come out with songs with more feeling, braver use of backing synthesizers, Lake Bodom on the cover art and songs that relate to the Bodom theme and not just about drinking too much whiskey - I'll be happy.