why does my saffire work 10x better in osx?


Aug 12, 2003
I don't get it. In osx my saffire pro runs almost flawlessly- no pops, no connection losses- it does what it's supposed to. Right now however I have like 0 plugins for osx so I thought I'd record with cubendo for a bit in windows until I got some. In windows it loses the connection every 15-20 minutes and constantly has these "hiccups" where it cuts out temporarily. It annoys the living shit out of me. What do you reckon gives here? Drivers are all up to date and such...
I've been a PC diehard for quite a few years now and I don't have any of these problems. Ever. I have a Saffire Pro 26 I/O, too.
I've been a PC diehard for quite a few years now and I don't have any of these problems. Ever. I have a Saffire Pro 26 I/O, too.

Well... what gives then? Maybe I should contact focusrite. I mean... it's literally like night and day between the two OS's. Gotta be something to do with the drivers.

Damnit Jeff- We're always on aim at opposite times.
Well... what gives then? Maybe I should contact focusrite. I mean... it's literally like night and day between the two OS's. Gotta be something to do with the drivers.

It's more than likely something that you did to your system and didn't realize it. That's the case probably 90% of the time.
hmm... what could I have done to my system? Haven't had windows installed for even a month yet. You have aim or msn?
One thing you may want to check is the sleep settings. I'm not sure if this is an issue for that device or not, but in the Device Manager you can go into the device properties for some devices and uncheck letting windows turn the device off to save power if it thinks it hasn't been using in a while.

Worth a shot. Also might want to see if you can adjust your buffers for the crackles, Windows can be very sensitive for that. Try the standards, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, etc settings one by one and see if it goes away for you.