Why has metal thrived where other music has not?

I dont know how you came to this conclusion but its false. Anyhow this is far from any form of philosophy and is more suited to a general discussion anywhere else.
I dont know how you came to this conclusion but its false. Anyhow this is far from any form of philosophy and is more suited to a general discussion anywhere else.

It's false? In what way? If you explain that then I might agree ...

So human nature is something not philosophical? The ultimate question of this thread is why do humans support something so ultimately underground and often perceived as anti-soeciety.

OK, it's not really philosophy, but I was wondering about this issue, and where else to post it? My experience of General Discussion forums tends to be a lot of spam and no considered opinions. And if not there or here, then where? This is meant to be a metal forum open for discussion, isn't it? Or is it some elitist forum where everything has to be PC and fit with the forum name exactly.

If you want it moved or deleted, take it to the mods - I would have no objection.

Thanks for making a newcomer feel welcome. :err:
Easy guys lol !
Yeah i don't think it's a philosophical topic either, at least the way you represented it... anyways. About the topic; I don't think metal has thrived or developed since early 90s maybe.. we had bands like Sabbath in 70s then went to things like Dio, Maiden, Priest and few years later the thrash wave ( yeah I didn't mention Glam Metal coz as Mustain said : it's a Gay L.A music lol) which grew up to be Death/black metal, Groove and loads of other genres, but since then i don't think there is anything that special apart from really few bands like Opeth, Cynic and others... but fans come and go, there are always new kids looking for the same thing as their proceeders did, and eventually they end up with metal.. then when they grow older then may develop their music tastes to something else.. But this music will never die i guess coz it always appeals to certain feelings in certain people and that what keeps it alive no matter what assholes say about it (satan music and that kinda bullshit ) ! You will never leave it as long as it's speaking to you in a personal level. That's what i have experienced with metal ever since i started listening to it (5 years now).
The same reason Pop has survived, only modified itself. It would be a gateway for the Devil himself :p

Pop has become a money machine. It has turned from nonsensical "It's my perfect day nothings standing in my way" and "Mamma mia!" to "You can have whatever you like" and "I've seen it before but not like this". Anything that sits well with a kid looking for some music that sounds good but isn't very inspiring.

Metal is the gateway of the dark imagination. I believe in the train of thought, and I think it's one big long train of metal stardom. I think it's all for the Antichrist, because if he listens to it, something will emerge from it (It traditionally swinging around concepts of the Devil). Perhaps it's Disturbed, perhaps it's Dimmu, maybe it's Opeth...Maybe all of them only portray so much, like a puzzle.

My beliefs :p
It's false? In what way? If you explain that then I might agree ...

So human nature is something not philosophical? The ultimate question of this thread is why do humans support something so ultimately underground and often perceived as anti-soeciety.

OK, it's not really philosophy, but I was wondering about this issue, and where else to post it? My experience of General Discussion forums tends to be a lot of spam and no considered opinions. And if not there or here, then where? This is meant to be a metal forum open for discussion, isn't it? Or is it some elitist forum where everything has to be PC and fit with the forum name exactly.

If you want it moved or deleted, take it to the mods - I would have no objection.

Thanks for making a newcomer feel welcome. :err:

Just quickly, that was not my intention, just saying it requires no philosophy and is not an accurate statement. I agree with gen discussions, I've been to some sites where I participate alot but I dont even go there on this forum, too many youngster... and thats not meant to be demeaning either, more of a fact of life when it comes to reactions.

As for the accuracy, pop continues as it has since radio or even the old RCA and word of mouth. Blues still goes on. Rock in all its various interpretations still goes on, jazz in all its various interpretations still goes on, ect. classical... ect. ect. Metal is only special to those of us who embrace it, but its best not to let it blind you.

Anti or shaking faults in the face of society may be the oldest quest of the bard or any other art form... whos to say ?

Relax.... enjoy :headbang:
I think a more appropriate discussion would be how old metal material is revered and in many cases better than newer stuff, where the majority of pop music/hip-hop is quickly played out and even embarressing just a few years later.
I think metal is a very paricular genre.
It's definetely not considered popular by today's standart, so I guess it requires some character to be able to go out and say 'yeah I like metal' and get all the looks.

Anyways, metal is really speaking to kids on a more personal level than most genres. Sure, some may say this about hiphop,ska whatever, thats why metal survived - cause it's good for some.
I think a more appropriate discussion would be how old metal material is revered and in many cases better than newer stuff, where the majority of pop music/hip-hop is quickly played out and even embarressing just a few years later.

As for your first point, I think older metal has staying-power because it's original and genuine. A lot of later metal is able to copy the style, but has none of the genuineness of the early albums.

As for pop/hip-hop, I don't know enough about it to say whether fans of this music find it embarrassing just a few years later. What I do know, though, is that I don't like it and it bores the hell outta me.
IMO metal is popular, but not "thriving." I wouldnt say its underground, but how many times a day can you flip on the T.V., Radio, or Computer and see/hear and true metal band? Without satellite radio (which you have to PAY for) there probably isnt gonna be a day that i hear Cannibal Corpse or Toxic Holocaust on the radio. Hell, its a damn challenge to get them to play Mother by Danzig. At least in America. I cant speak for Europe, where the metal fanbase is more widespread. Metal is popular by all means, but thriving.. well... if its not Metallica, its sure as hell not gonna sell out Madison Square Garden. But theres a comforting feeling in that.
Metal had an amazing 20 years or so ('86-96) before it turned to crap, turned commercial, burnt out etc., I guess that's fairly long. One of the reasons for its success is that it (especially Black Metal) had a fairly reasoned and tight philosophy and artistic direction. It was a genuine 'outsider' music: neo-medieval in its embrace of death, and neo-romantic in its heroism and idealism.
Total bullshit. metal transformed (like punk and other "alternative" movements) into something else under the same name. it lost honesty and rawness... everything it's about. of course there are still many great bands today, thank god, but when looking at it globally- it's gone. i appreciate bands who live what they play- you can see it in their music, look, lyrics, performance... today rock music (i hate that expression alternative) is too snappy, polished, i fuckin hate it. i'm going backwards, when it comes to metal, listening to old bands, that have nothing to do with these lame copies we can see today, or I'm searching for some underground, not so familiar bands that play like hell!
and i don't understand why you think that only metal is eternal??? you think that rock, punk, blues etc. don't exist anymore, unlike "the great metal"?
"if pop music was promoting satanism..." it wouldn't be called fuckin pop!!! jesus. sorry, but i think that was a very stupid conclusion you made, no offense.
It survived by adapting and creating new styles, thats the only reason i can think of why it survived where other music genres fell. (sorry if its not a very though through answer but its th eonly one i can think of)
I think that Metal is eternal because it has endless potential to expand, grow, and change. It never tries to conform in order to sell itself to the masses, and it never limits itself. Metal will always be the genre that pushes boundaries, leaving other genres behind.

Unfortunately, many people don't want music like that. I believe metal is something that you have to be halfway intelligent to appreciate, and most of the world's population is... well, not halfway intelligent. They'd rather be pleased by pop culture, things that are dumbed down to keep the masses happy, but don't have a long life span. Metal is it's own separate entity that kicks ass. I respect metal more than anything else because it keeps on going forever. METAL!:worship:
On one hand metal has thrived more than other genres because it's more about the music and less about the scene/fame/etc. Sure, you've got your fair share of that in metal, every genre does, but metal seems to be slightly less chock full of it than many other forms of popular music.

On the other hand, since you're intimately involved with metal it may simply seem like it's thriving more in comparison, when in actuality you're just paying more attention to it and NOT the other genres.
Metal never really 'thrived'. The reason I don't think that metal has died over the decades is for two reasons: one, we're too stubborn to let it die. Two, it's always, or for most of the time, been at least moderately underground, giving it less chance for exploitation, as opposed to let's say, punk. Punk got rather popular, and now where is it?
I think that Metal is eternal because it has endless potential to expand, grow, and change. It never tries to conform in order to sell itself to the masses, and it never limits itself. Metal will always be the genre that pushes boundaries, leaving other genres behind.

Unfortunately, many people don't want music like that. I believe metal is something that you have to be halfway intelligent to appreciate, and most of the world's population is... well, not halfway intelligent. They'd rather be pleased by pop culture, things that are dumbed down to keep the masses happy, but don't have a long life span. Metal is it's own separate entity that kicks ass. I respect metal more than anything else because it keeps on going forever. METAL!:worship:

I think Metal is A random pop song isn't even liked 2 years after it's popular phase, whereas metal songs are still well liked decades later. Just the overall quality in metal sustains it.
The quailty of the musicians. The sheer open forum... Metal songs can be about any topic under the sun, and the sheer power of the electric guitar is addicting....also metal is not adverse to incorporating all other types of music, making it an even broader stroke and bringing in a consistent level of fans...