why i am surly


Sep 12, 2002
- i just woke up
- i am cold
- my friend drove me fucking... crazy.

preppy asks about the crazy anarchist protests. i am both obliging her with an answer, but also hoping to serve as some sort of enabler for jake deadair, whom i know has a sort of anarchistic awakening somewhere in that midwestern body.

i have heard estimates anywhere from "1000s" to 40,000 (this is what the DC cops said) to a zany 500,000. i'm gonna guesstimate at 75,000 - 100,000.

it was all kind of impressive, especially since an hour and a half and 2.5 miles or so into the march, an announcement was made that the tail end of the group had just left the mall area.

there were 2 groups of like 20 pro-war/fry mumia protesters on the sidelines, 5 and 15 in number resepctively. it was pretty stupid that anyone paid any attention to them. the smaller squadron were chubby young republicans that had a giant hand-scrawled banner that said HIPPIES GO HOME. people actually got mad at this. they were standing on a balcony, and somehow, above them, amnesty international members had gotten to the floor above them and hung some banners down over their heads. but not covering them.

the other group were bloodthirsty vietnam vets and they were pretty mean.

cops looked nervous toward the end and had their clubs out, and i have to admit they looked SUPER cool in their black face masks. but nothing happened.

i guess i was dismayed at the clownish-ness the whole thing tended to descend into. guys on stilts, lots of brightly colored tent pants, etc. george bush masked people giving birth to bloody baby dolls OUT OF THEIR ASSES, etc.

al sharpton sounded pretty good. i'm upset to say that many of the speakers, from what i could hear, quickly turned into "YO YO YO, BUSH MUST GO" posturing. no one seemed very focused on the immediate agenda.

on a brighter note, the International A.N.S.W.E.R. organizer(s), at least, on my bus, seemed really bright and our woman was wicked confident and completely took charge of getting 30 people together that were lost in the cold and to a very late bus.

i almost lost my right foot last night. that shit was a block of ice.
this International A.N.S.W.E.R. seems like a big deal.

i saw lots of protesters dropping out of the march for starbucks and mcdonalds.

i somehow stumbled into Forbes during the course of the march. we hugged and he said we were metal brothers.

george bushie was at camp david

somehow i thought the capitol building was the white house?!?!?!!?!!
it was worthwhile. it actually felt good for a lot of reasons.

i just wonder how long this upsurge in protests will continue when the media continually denies the scale. crushing the morale, i think.

i talked to some people, but i didn't feel like i'd met them.
the media always denies the scale of protests. i remember the womens march in washington in like, 1996 i think it was? or 95? there was at least 1/4 million people there and the papers reported about 10,000. they always do that.
i know.

but i'd think that these marches are going to meet a breakpoint and then never increase in pressure—and possibly wither—due to lack of mainstream communication/media reports...
this girl on the bus kept eating peanut butter sandwiches and apples. in the morning and at night. i was fascinated. she was totally athletic and ballerina-ish and looked like she could whomp some ass with one flick of her leg.

so i've been meaning to get some apples.
wow, you just ran into forbes randomly? that's pretty bright.

i have a george bush mask from the 2000 GOP convention in philly that i am willing to sell if anyone has been inspired by goatschool's protesting! but it has sentimental value so it'll cost bunches.