Why I disappeared


Dec 21, 2001
kleo: You're ripping those MP3s at 96 kbp/s?
them: Yeah. So?
K: They'll sound like shit.
T: So?
K: You might not notice it over those speakers or your cheap headphones but if you play it on a regular stereo...
T: So?
K: It's going to sound really really really bad.
T: There is no difference as far as I'm concerned. I didn't hear it then, I can't hear it now, and I will never hear it.

Six months later while listening to a beefed up custom burn of the CD they made the MP3s from:
T: This CD sounds awful.
K: Yeah. Where the hell did you get this?
T: I made it from my MP3s.
K: Those low quality ones?
T: What?
K: You know the ones I said would sound like shit.
T: Yeah. So?
K: *head explodes*
Wait... am I Kleo's fake account or since I neglected to sign out of this one... is he mine?