Why is Anthrax.com so out of date?


Dec 16, 2002
I cannot believe how out of date the homepage is. It still says they're due to support Maiden in May for fucks sake!!! Surely the guys need to recognise the need these days for a webpage that informs its fans about whats happening with the band. Yes I know video updates are getting posted on the front page but the homepage needs some serious attention.

When you can go onto sites of much smaller bands - Exodus for example - and see info about their upcoming shows for a start..... it just makes me scratch my head as to why the guys don't hire someone to maintain their site much better than the current one. And don't bash on me - I'm just a fan that wants to see the band return with a huge new record with Dan at the helm.... but it might to help promote it with a great site too.
I cannot believe how out of date the homepage is. It still says they're due to support Maiden in May for fucks sake!!! Surely the guys need to recognise the need these days for a webpage that informs its fans about whats happening with the band. Yes I know video updates are getting posted on the front page but the homepage needs some serious attention.

When you can go onto sites of much smaller bands - Exodus for example - and see info about their upcoming shows for a start..... it just makes me scratch my head as to why the guys don't hire someone to maintain their site much better than the current one. And don't bash on me - I'm just a fan that wants to see the band return with a huge new record with Dan at the helm.... but it might to help promote it with a great site too.

God damn myspace.
i do give credit for at least updating us with the new album with some kind video which is cool but who know who updates this site now.
Yeah I gotta say the new video updates are awesome, kinda like being in the studio, we long-timers never really had studio updates like that before so we can't complain. I'm happy, I feel like I'm informed.
If I remember correctly, Island/Universal E would agree to putting only (Only!) one Bush-era skin on the website. Does anyone remember the site being down for a month or so before the reunion announcement? I have no idea what their label situation is, but my maybe a lack of label funding along with outlets such as MySpace, etc. keeping updates as well. This may create less of a need to visit the site.

I think people must remember that they have lives outside of the band.
I try my best to keep the site updated, but I have a full time day job, and other commitments so I end up missing some things at times. I check in here every so often. If you catch something I've missed, by all means point it out and I will fix it.
I think you are doing a fine job. The videos are being updated and when you get news, you post the information on the main site.

So if the main complaint is that there is some old dates that have been accidently left on, well, that is some petty and whiny shit.
Not me mother fucker!
Put down the Eliot Ness, quit surfing porn and get this shit done...NOW!!!!!
Pffftt....a REAL fan would have quit his day job by now! Loser.

I've been knocking back their Christmas Ale's myself the past few weeks, have yet to try the Elliot Ness. Have a case of Commodore Perry and Burning River in the Garage though.

Apparently it's called Christmas Crack in Cleveland. I love that stuff.

Gotta get me some of dat Christmas crack!