Why is Anthrax.com so out of date?

Who gives a shit about websites?
Anthrax its about music
If you dont like the new album you can start bitching
but dont bitch about a fucking website
shut your pc and
Go out more...
Yeah. I really was sitting here for 5 days in a row thinking of what to respond with. :rolleyes:

so to bring this thread back to something good. It's Feburary and I just got home after a night out drinking Christmas Ale at a Bar that still has it. When GLBC finds out they probably won't have it next year, but at least I got to drink some Christmas Ale tonight~!
so to bring this thread back to something good. It's Feburary and I just got home after a night out drinking Christmas Ale at a Bar that still has it. When GLBC finds out they probably won't have it next year, but at least I got to drink some Christmas Ale tonight~!

Holy frak! That's awesome!!! :kickass: Who still has Christmas Ale? I won't drink it all. I promise.

The only time I've ever heard of GLBC putting a kibosh on a bar is if they sell out of date product. That Christmas Ale should be good until March or April, depending on when they purchased the keg.
so to bring this thread back to something good. It's Feburary and I just got home after a night out drinking Christmas Ale at a Bar that still has it. When GLBC finds out they probably won't have it next year, but at least I got to drink some Christmas Ale tonight~!

That is a truly beautiful story, and it brings a tear to my eye.
Considering I haven't posted in here for WEEKS, and yet that post is still on the first page (and not at the bottom either) I'd suggest no one really gives a crap about the band anymore, so why bother updating the official website?
This forum used to be one of the busiest on UM.
So beer matters more than Anthrax. In an Anthrax forum.

I’ll keep this simple and give you the “Cliff’s Notes” version so you’ll understand.

A few years ago, Anthrax went out on tour with their “classic” line up. This was lauded by some fans and questioned by others. Anthrax had just come off an album with the John Bush line up that was heralded by many fans as their best album in years.

This is all fact.

This split their fan base into two factions. Some welcomed the reunion, why others questioned it. Anthrax followed up the reunion tour by doing basically nothing. They did not record an album with Joey Belladonna and after the tour John Bush was no longer interested in recording with the band. This left a lot of fans wondering about the future of the band.

Again, this is all fact.

Anthrax is now recording a new album with a new lead singer who has a fucking killer set of pipes and happens to be a helluva guy.

This is my opinion, but is based on some pretty solid observation.

A lot of fans may be hopeful, but remain skittish about the new album. They’ve been burned by this band before.

You may lament these message boards, but we all do. We all used to post here and have a good time.

One thing we can all agree on is that beer fucking rules. And if MTFH wants to post about a beer he likes, then so be it. If you have a problem with that, then you’re a fucking douche bag.

That’s my opinion.
