Why is firefox better then IE?

Aug 9, 2005
Since everyone are always saying use firefox, it's better.... what is so better about it?

I just noticed that on Firefox, if a scrollbar is supposed to be a different color, it turns up regular grey. Thats pretty crap. And kind of pisses me off haha
I used firefox for 10 minutes or so.. then it was enough. One thing i like about firefox is the tabs, but microsoft stole it and put it in IE beta which I use now.
Nashira said:
Sometimes Firefox works better than IE...

but I use both. If one suxs, I use the other etc.

and Firefox is better when it comes to pop ups and such
Tut Ankh Amon said:

you don't need anything else to be better than IE :p

and when webpages don't work well with it, it's not a firefox issue, it's a webdesigner issue.
firefox has HUGE memory grubbing problems, and Flash heavy sites choke it to near death. also in linux when you try to save a file it hangs for a few seconds before you get the destination dialog.

but even given all of this, it's light years better than internet explorer. more usable, safer (even in windows i never catched any spyware or weird crap while using it) and it has an included pop up blocker, so you don't need 15 separate pop up blockers running to get a decent browsing experience.
I use both... I like the tabbing thing in Firefox the most. So I use it when just going around the internet. But some sites don't come up right in it, as someone said espessically certain flash ones. The thing that annoyed me most though was the scroll bar. Not a big deal but it was annoying. I am making a website for my band, and there is a scroll bar in an Iframe that I had dark red, and it looked really cool, it shows up on IE, but not in firefox.
I use firfox mainly for Tabs and Security....But there are like 1000s of add-on things you can get for Firefox if you wanted.
I use firefox 100% of the time at home as I've got an extension to spoof IE plugins to make them think firefox is IE, I have the IE7 beta installed and all I can say is SHIT. It's just ripping off firefox but doing it very badly, and doesnt work with CSS.
CliffBurton said:
I use firfox mainly for Tabs and Security....But there are like 1000s of add-on things you can get for Firefox if you wanted.

Same here and some of those add-ons are really good
firefox ripped the tabs from opera, but operas work without needing tabbed browsing extension. and all the best extensions in firefox seem to just be things that opera does natively. thats why i use opera, i can just download the 5mb download, and not have to install 10-15 extensions just to make it act more like opera.