WHy is your fave band your favorite ?


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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My favorite current band is Vanden Plas, but my favorite band of all-time is Accept. Why are they my favorite ? I don't know, but I will try and list some rerasons....

I love bands that can combine power, technicality, precision and melody with aggression. Accept (specifically the early/mid-80s era) did that perfectly.

Tone and production are also big in my ears. People that have been around as long as I and even maybe not Accept fans, nor musicians will occasonally mention the guitar tone of Accept. The guitar tone both rythm and lead is incredible. The production is also top notch from BTTW on.

Accept sounds like a fucking machine. Wolf and the boys invented the ultimate ass-kicking machine. Thoes militaristic backing vocals, razor sharp vocals, powerful technical drumming and steadfast bass playinh along with a twin guitar attack capable of making small armies cower makes Accept men among boys.

I can't really stress the "machine like" quality enough of Accept. Though I discovered them in the mio-80's as a teen, it was the militaristic precision I loved about them that played a big role in my obsession with them. I like precision. Accept is an ass-kicking machine.

I essentually agree with you here .. the Bands are different But! its the Idea thats the same ... For me my Current Favorite is Tad Morose ... they REEEEEALLY impressed me at PPV and have hardly left my Cd player since but my all-time favorite is a Tie between Overkill and Savatage they both Posesse qualities that you mentioned :)
My all time favorite band is Led Zeppelin. Describing the abstract is not often easy, but I hope I cover it:

In my view, Zeppelin was/is the most interesting band to ever exist. They took their influences from practically every form of music around - both popular and obscure - and meshed it together into one cohesive unit of power! Their music is simply different from everything prior and everything since. Sure, there are plenty of bands that can write kick-ass riffs, but Zep was so much more than just that.
A Zep record contains much more variety than the average rock/metal/pop/whatever record.

You'll find blues, folk, pop, metal, country, world, etc. Yet they did it convincingly - it never seemed to be half-hearted.

And, contrary to what many believe, I regard them as the first true metal band (as their first two records were leased prior to Sabbath and Purple's "In Rock"). Their debut is, to my ears, still heavier than anything most metal bands today can even hope to conjure up.

Zep also had this mystique about them.....the 'hammer of the gods'. They represent the power & aura that all good metal/rock should convey. One gets the feeling that they KNEW they were the gods of rock, that they were untouchable.....
I have several bands that have a narrow margin between them as far as my favourite goes. The first one is SKYCLAD and I like them because of the way they combine Thrash Metal (one of my favourite Genres) with Folk music which I also really enjoy. They also have a lot of variety between more Thrashy stuff to more Folky stuff and I like that. The second band is OVERKILL just because they simply Thrash and have been consistent in putting out great albums. I love Blit´s vocals and the great riffing and basswork. The aggression these guys output is fantastic but at the same time you can tell they have fun making Heavy Metal. That´s important to me. The third band that stands high at the top is MANILLA ROAD for the simple reason that, to me, their music is unique as are the vocals. There´s something sort of mystical about MANILLA ROAD.
Wow. Favorite?
I don't have just one.
Motley Crue-They might be seen a "fluff" by most rock or metal fans, but they were the innovators of the 80's glam scene. They had this punk rock type mentality & Nikki Sixx was one hell of a song writer.
Michael Schenker-He's a genuis, Great guitarist, doesn't over do it.
ZZ Top-These guys are an excellent combination of rock, boogie & road house blues all rolled into one. Billy G has a tone that when he hits the first note, you know who is playing. And they have been together from the beginning ot the present. How many bands can you say that about?
Iced Earth-A recent fan of two years, Jon is a one hell of a song writer & the fact that he goes through help like a fast food joint & still makes a consistent record, is a tribute to his talents.
Stevie Ray Vaughan-Like Billy G, he has this style all of his own & toward the end he was getting better, unfortunately we didn't get a chance to hear it. I ofetn wonder what the hell he'd be playing these days.
KISS-While not a huge fan like back in the day, I have to say that their image got me to listen. They weren't fantastic musicians, but they make the most out of their limited abilities. To this day one of my favorite tracks is Coming Home, so simple & gets me every time.
Megadeth-I loved these guys growing up & still support Dave & hope that he continues to crank out solo records in the future. Megadeth was always a tad edgier than the mighty Metallica. Things haven't changed have they?
Judas Priest-I don't need to say anything here...
Black Sabbath(non-Ozzy eras)-I'm referring to the Tony Martin & Dio eras.
It wasn't until recently that I got into the Tony Martin era Sabbath & man was I missing out on some fantastic metal. Everyone knows how stellar the Dio era was, but the Tony Martin era was excellent as well...
Judas Priest. They are the alpha and omega of Heavy Fucking Metal; they took Black Sabbath's ball and ran with it until they had established the ground rules of traditional metal from which almost every metal band since has drawn their influences. Every single album they've put out has had at least a few worthwhile songs on it, and the vast majority range from good to completely fucking awesome and classic. I consider five Judas Priest albums (Sad Wings, Stained, Screaming, Defenders, Painkiller) to be completely essential to any metal collection; I don't think there's any other band with that kind of numbers. Their musicianship (with the exception of that fuck Dave Holland) is impeccable, their songwriting is brilliant, and their vocals...well, it's Rob Halford, the Metal God. They are Judas Fucken Priest and ye shall bow before them.
Pyrus said:
Judas Priest. They are the alpha and omega of Heavy Fucking Metal; they took Black Sabbath's ball and ran with it until they had established the ground rules of traditional metal from which almost every metal band since has drawn their influences. Every single album they've put out has had at least a few worthwhile songs on it, and the vast majority range from good to completely fucking awesome and classic. I consider five Judas Priest albums (Sad Wings, Stained, Screaming, Defenders, Painkiller) to be completely essential to any metal collection; I don't think there's any other band with that kind of numbers. Their musicianship (with the exception of that fuck Dave Holland) is impeccable, their songwriting is brilliant, and their vocals...well, it's Rob Halford, the Metal God. They are Judas Fucken Priest and ye shall bow before them.

uh....yup. :headbang:
This is a great thread, Bryant!!!!

I gotta say my favorite band of all time is KISS. They will always be my favorite. No matter the lack of credibility or technical skills. I loved 'em as a boy and I love 'em now. what can I say? And of course Gene is my favorite member. he's the God of Thunder, and provided me with many a Halloween memory.

SECOND, though, is Van Halen. And not just because of the music, I'll admit. As a young kid (about 10 or 12) I saw the JUMP video and thought that Edward had to be the coolest guy alive. His guitar was cool, his grin was infectious, and he looked like there could be nothing in the world more fun than being him. I began to play guitar on my dad's strat even though I didn't know how, just pantomiming (spelling?) to the music and pretending to be Ed. What fun! Then I finally learned to play for real and of course I never made it to the big time but I still feel like when I plug in my guitar and play some VH I'm "Standing On Top of the WOrld".
Pyrus said:
Judas Priest. They are the alpha and omega of Heavy Fucking Metal; they took Black Sabbath's ball and ran with it until they had established the ground rules of traditional metal from which almost every metal band since has drawn their influences. Every single album they've put out has had at least a few worthwhile songs on it, and the vast majority range from good to completely fucking awesome and classic. I consider five Judas Priest albums (Sad Wings, Stained, Screaming, Defenders, Painkiller) to be completely essential to any metal collection; I don't think there's any other band with that kind of numbers. Their musicianship (with the exception of that fuck Dave Holland) is impeccable, their songwriting is brilliant, and their vocals...well, it's Rob Halford, the Metal God. They are Judas Fucken Priest and ye shall bow before them.
Damn it! He took my answer, and said it better than i possibly could! But let me add something: Priest are basically my three favorite metal sub genres in one band. You got traditional, good ol' fashioned Heavy FUCKIN' metal, they perfected speed metal and made it their own with classics like "Exciter","Hell Bent For Leather", "Rapid Fire" ,"Screaming For Vengeance","Freewheel Burnin'",etc. and they arguably laid the groundwork for Thrash, in addition. My three favorite metal sub genres? Traditional metal, speed metal and thrash. So, there ya go. :cool:
I'm going to get my ass kicked for this.

I have three at the moment because its hard to compare the different styles.

In Flames - This was the band that introduced me into the world of extreme/underground metal. As I look back at RTR I realize it is probably the worst album I own (asides from the my mainstream day's stranglers). BUT, Jester Race/Black Ash Inheritance was and will remain my absolute favorite album of it's kind. People may call it average, but for me, there is somethign about virtually every single song on that album that literally rips the emotion of my chest. In December Flower. Jesper Stromblad may as well be playing on my heart strings rather than his guitar. The writing is in my own humble opinion, flawless on that album.

Blind Guardian - Blind Guardian managed to gain their place on my favorite band list by simply putting out album after album after album of pure power metal gold. Their development from a thrashy speed metal band into an epic power metal band was seamless and, on the whole, completely satisfying. As very small aspect of the many reasons I love BG is that they routinely drop their rythym line completely and send both of their guitars into a spiralling divergent-harmonic solos that, in almost the same way as In Flames, wrench the emotion out of me.

Symphony X - If I had to pick a single guitarist as my sole influence it would have to be Michael Romeo. His lead lines blow my mind everytime I listen to them. Incredible solos complete with insane sweeps and SOLID songwriting. SyX epic tracks never cease to amaze me. Russel Allen's voice is impecable. An all around bad ass band that seems only to get better as they go.
KISS are my favourite and always will be for many reasons...

1. They are the reason I'm the rock & roll maniac I am today!
2. Ace Frehley is the reason I play guitar.
3. Paul Stanley is my favourite singer/songwriter of all time.
4. They are the best live band in the world in my opinion.
5. They are the "ultimate rock & roll band" and to me they sum up everything about rock & roll and more.
6. No matter what they do wrong now, I still just have to go back and watch the old videos & listen to the old albums, and anything bad they do now can never make me think any less of their career for the first 20-odd years.
7. That said, I saw them 3 times live this year and even though they don't have the vibe they did in their early years, they still blow EVERY other band out of the water live and were absolutely unreal still. Going to a KISS show on this tour could easily silence their critics.
8. No other band could ever have such a huge catalogue of songs & albums that I love that KISS do. 20+ albums I love and SOOO many songs that I adore... no other band will match that for me.
Queensryche !!!
The First Queensryche EP was exactly the thing I liked in the 80's. US metal with complicated songwriting and awesome vocals. I still keep on playing "Queen of the Reich" on a regular base, my alltime favorit metal song. It's hard to describe why you exactly like a certain band/song...It just arrived at the right moment that time. I just hope Queensryche will make a good album again. Operation Mindcrime is their best album for me, a real 80's progmetal classic !! (although the term "progmetal" wasn't used back than ).

And I really can't explain it other than to say I can listen to the same songs I've been listening to for 20 years, and they still give me that rush! Seeing them live is to be schooled in how to perform. Having met the guys many times, and them being so fucking cool also adds to the mix.

For me as long as a band's tunes give me that rush, I stay a fan. It's all about the music.

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Llistening to their debut CD for me is still a rush, too. A new experience every time. It isn't that often anymore, but when it strikes -- :headbang:

While they edge out everyone else, damn, there are about 30 others that come close. Bay Area thrash and Swedish melodic death remain my favorite types...
By Eddie Iron Fucking Maiden! :worship:
Too many things to say about the best band in the world, from their amazing albums to outstanding live shows and let's not forget those sweet covers with dear 'ol Eddie :D
I don't have a number one, but I can assure everybody that the bands I like the most, I like them simply because their music.

I'm not looking into originality, technicality, or any other ality. Just enjoyment.