Why must so many pretty women in the South be crazy Christians?

Palabra de Dios

Heavy Metal Weatherman
Mar 22, 2005
St. Joseph, MO
I'm from South Carolina and I live in Mississippi now for school. There are some gorgeous women both at the University of SC and at Mississippi State where I currently am. There are gorgeous women all over the south, but I've found a disturbing trend.

I know I'm a minority in the south, because I'm a liberal Atheist and I don't think that my beliefs (or lack thereof) and politics mesh well at all with these beautiful women that are seemingly everywhere. All the nice, pretty women are extremely Conservative Baptist/Methodist/Protestant Christians! They love Christ and loved pres. Bush, and all that stuff that I am totally against.

Anyone else notice this trend with the vast majority of southern women? Discuss.
There are gorgeous women all over the south, but I've found a disturbing trend.

All the nice, pretty women are extremely Conservative Christians! They love Christ and loved pres. Bush, and all that stuff that I am totally against.

Disturbing to you maybe...but not to us conservative Christian males that can relate to them. Convert or be lonely...it's up to you. ;)
try being a liberal Pagan woman from Chicago living in the South!

you think YOU have it bad?!?!

yeah, i realize that doesn't answer your question, but it might provide a bit of insight to the other side of things...

good luck with that issue :-S
Just drive around blasting the most irreverent and most satanic black metal you can find, and that will send out all the signals to the unchristian women for them to come talk to you, and you will be set. I was raised roman catholic, but am not anymore and never will step foot in a catholic, or almost any church ever again.
I'm from South Carolina and I live in Mississippi now for school. There are some gorgeous women both at the University of SC and at Mississippi State where I currently am. There are gorgeous women all over the south, but I've found a disturbing trend.

I know I'm a minority in the south, because I'm a liberal Atheist and I don't think that my beliefs (or lack thereof) and politics mesh well at all with these beautiful women that are seemingly everywhere. All the nice, pretty women are extremely Conservative Baptist/Methodist/Protestant Christians! They love Christ and loved pres. Bush, and all that stuff that I am totally against.

Anyone else notice this trend with the vast majority of southern women? Discuss.

I would hope you know that if you really have a connection with that special someone, or if you really like that special someone, things like these shouldn't matter. (maybe aside from the love of Pres. Bush)

As long as they're not ignorant, and are mature enough to understand your beliefs are different and still accept it, it should be fine. Then again, women are crazy everywhere, so... :lol:
Women everywhere are crazy regardless. At KU I either have sorority girls that lack all common sense or hippie womyn that are about stinking up the place and women's rights or stinky punk rock chicks.

I am sure that there are other types but they are so few and far between that I cant find them or they dont want me to find them, lol.
I know what you're talking about, but I don't notice it too terribly around where I am. Its pretty mixed up from what I've noticed in the Metro Atlanta area.
Also, I take offense to the term "crazy Christian"...as the young ladies would to. It may be your lousy attitude that is the main issue rather than your beliefs...think about it. If you're going to offend Christians here...you're offending them there. Who wants anything to do with that type person?
Also, I take offense to the term "crazy Christian"...as the young ladies would to. It may be your lousy attitude that is the main issue rather than your beliefs...think about it. If you're going to offend Christians here...you're offending them there. Who wants anything to do with that type person?

Even though it wasnt my thread to begin with but the way I interpreted it was as the EXTREME christians. Not necessarily you average christian.
I was raised roman catholic, but am not and never will step foot in a catholic, or almost any church ever again.

Aha... I, too, am a recovering Catholic. :)

@William: Sure, expressed as a percentage-- in non-urban areas of the South -- most women (and men) tend to be conservative. If you live in the sticks, you have to expect that. If you moved into a larger metro area, like Atlanta or Charlotte, you'd find more like-minded people.

Short of moving to the "Big City"...... If you made an effort to reach across the Great Political Divide and dropped the "hatred" mentality ("I hate conservatives! They're so stupid! Like George Bush!"), and cared to ask exactly what those women believed and why...the answers -- and the result -- could surprise you.
Just drive around blasting the most irreverent and most satanic black metal you can find, and that will send out all the signals to the unchristian women for them to come talk to you, and you will be set. I was raised roman catholic, but am not and never will step foot in a catholic, or almost any church ever again.

recovering cradle-catholic over here too (which explains a LOT about me...but i digress)

anyway, Palabra - take rushzil2112's advice and blast the music...you might be surprised how many of THOSE girls (the uber-conservative christians) might come over and talk to you as well.

let me add a "chick voice/perspective" on this discussion-- it's the things that are different (from my point of view) in a guy that make me check him out--musical choices (as in 'why?!?'), religious view (of course, being a Reverend, that helps), etc.

but then again, i am also a fan of a guy with a
brain, which changes the palying field.

it isn't his taste in music or philosophy that makes me stay interested - it's how well he can stimulate me

(jeez, get your minds out of the gutter here people :saint:)

if he can't have an actual conversation which requires more than "nice rack" or "you're hot, wanna f***", then he could be the most drop dead gorgeous creature in the universe..and i would walk away without a backward glance :heh:

of course, it's just my theory...but i know plenty of women who get past the religious/theological/whatever issue for a guy who can keep their mind going...provided he, too, will open his mind to their thoughts and points of view. remember - she (most likely) has a brain too. of course, if she's a dumb as a box of rocks, well, you can play that game too..
I know I'm a minority in the south, because I'm a liberal Atheist and I don't think that my beliefs (or lack thereof) and politics mesh well at all with these beautiful women that are seemingly everywhere. All the nice, pretty women are extremely Conservative Baptist/Methodist/Protestant Christians! They love Christ and loved pres. Bush, and all that stuff that I am totally against.

Anyone else notice this trend with the vast majority of southern women?

You mean, women from the Bible Belt hold heavily Christian beliefs? Astounding! :lol:

At any rate, talk to them anyway. Devout Christians LOVE converting nonbelievers to their faith. At the very least, you could get laid, and who knows, you might even find one you like.

recovering cradle-catholic over here too (which explains a LOT about me...but i digress)

It also explains the Catholic schoolgirl outfit. ;)

but then again, i am also a fan of a guy with a
brain, which changes the palying field.

Brainiac says, "Nice series of milk-producing glands, wanna engage in reproductive behavior?" Sheesh... you have the oddest taste in men. :zombie:
Brainiac says, "Nice series of milk-producing glands, wanna engage in reproductive behavior?" Sheesh... you have the oddest taste in men. :zombie:


oh my word. thank you. i haven't laughed like that in a long while, booB :)

hey, Braniac might be a supervillian with serious issues with Superman (and a thing for shrinking places...hmmmm....that let's us delve into his psyche a bit doesn't it?), but i bet he gives great....conversation :)

but i didn't say i liked my men green :ill: nor non-human :zombie:...so there


back to the topic: Palabra, just talk to them :)
yeah you'd be amazed how many people say they're big into Christianity, but if you look at their actions and their choice of words towards others they're pretty much going straight to hell (if they truly believe in Hell); so, if they're considered Christians then I might as well be considered a Saint! Go me... :rolleyes:

Basically there are some people that hold onto a facade of religion for their mommies and daddies, and/or to fit into a social circle. I'd reiterate the same thing - that you might be surprised who you find and what they 'really' believe or what they could 'tolerate'.

"When I do good, I feel good;
When I do bad, I feel bad,
and that is my religion."

-Abraham Lincoln