why must u all complain?


Master of the Earth
Oct 20, 2002
royston, herts, england
Visit site
ive seen alot of posts complaining about the style of bloodstock, and the amount of power metal, thrash etc there is, well all i say is i tihnk there is a range of styles, and it seems to be working out as 1 satge for power metal styleish and darwin for extreme, so wat ive got to say to thise tryingt o change bloodstock - if u dont liek it go somewhere else!
Bloodstock is great the way it is. Don't change a thing - take what you get and be greatful! I had so much fun at 2003 that it's almost a pinnacle in my life, i don't think it will ever be forgotton! Hopefully the other Bloodstocks will stay the way they are and follow in 2003's path!
With Owens in Iced Earth I can't see it being a legendary performance anymore :'( Still, I think the style range is fine at the moment. Too brutal and you get all the assholes coming in who like to kill people in the crowd! :p
i think its great as it is.
and even in 2002 where it was really only gamma ray and diamond head that i was remotely interested in seeing... yet it was bloody excellent.. just to catch up with people and see other bands and have an allout metal day!

its still better value for money than reading/leeds imho cuz we are all true metal fans .. not fuckin townies

[/rant] :p :D
As catharsis says, its only suggestions. Its the people who go to bloodstock saying what they want to see more of and who may not work out as well. Without it the bands of 2003 would have no doubt been different!
Well the point is that most of the people on this forum are the paying customers, so we have a right to request the bands that we want to see.

We can request to see any band we want.

I find some peoples comments in this thread very ill-informed.

Suggestions that Black Metal and Death Metal would attract "assholes" :confused:

What the Hell is that supposed to mean?

I saw plenty of kids about at the festival this year, and the bill was mostly power metal, so because I like Death Metal and Black Metal I'm not allowed to enjoy the best "True" metal fest in Britain.

Please, you are making broad generalisations about people you know nothing about, don't.

As I've said before, get Agalloch or Opeth and you won't get kids "Moshing" to them.

Or just put an age limit on the festival if Black and Death Metal fans are that bad, over 18's only.
Well making it over 18 will stop the kids getting in.

That seems to be the main reason that people don't want Black Or Death Metal. Or is there another reason?

It would make everyone happy, the fans of more extreme stuff get thir Metal and the people complaining about "Assholes" will be happy because there will be no kids there.

This post isn't serious, I wouldn't want to keep anyone out, but what you people are saying I find strange.

If you don't like Death Metal or Black just say so, don't try and come up with some lame exscuse "OH NO, lots of Kiddies will come in" That's pure bollocks, in my opinion.
My comment about Black and Death metal was a joke! Thought I'd made that quite clear! Plus Opeth are one of my favorite bands, I would love to see them play Bloodstock.
Noj said:
I'm 19, i love black & death. But, Bloodstock should ideally remain mostly power metal. I can see death & black at wacken!

What about the people who can't afford to go to Wacken.

Sorry if I'm going on, but that is a selfish attitude, sure some people can pick and choose what festivals they go to, but some people can't travel to Germany and afford to take time off.

Is it fair to deprive them of seeing quality bands at a great British Metal Festival, be they black, death, folk, thrash?

Can anyone else see my point or am I just being picky?

I give up, the band decision is out of my hands anyway.
that is a selfish attitude, sure some people can pick and choose what festivals they go to, but some people can't travel to Germany and afford to take time off
Indeed. Oh so they have a metalfest in Germany that we should all be going to? Well, perhaps we should close down all the pubs in Britain. I mean, they have them in Germany, why shouldn't we all go to Germany whenever we fancy a drink?

Same thing...
Wacken is not expensive for what you get!! SOrry but money is not an issue for how many bands there are at wacken. I would think that most people woule like at least 10 bands there.

ALso, i dont mind death/black metal at bloodstock, even though i cant stand it, i love traditional, power metal etc.. as long as the balance is right. SLightly more traditional /power metal!!!
strangehighways said:
Wacken is not expensive for what you get!! SOrry but money is not an issue for how many bands there are at wacken. I would think that most people woule like at least 10 bands there.

ALso, i dont mind death/black metal at bloodstock, even though i cant stand it, i love traditional, power metal etc.. as long as the balance is right. SLightly more traditional /power metal!!!

Yeah I agree with the second part, obviously the Bloodstok festival does lean towards Power Metal and I do like Power Metal, I suggested Running Wild, I enjoyed, Edguy and DragonForce and they were the main reasons I went.

But I just find the comments of "No diversity" rather sad.

It's just that pretty much every band one the main stage except 2 were Power Metal, so a bit of a change would be cool, and why not have some smaller power metal bands on the Small stage, so that there is always Power metal on somewhere, but not on the same stage, not fair to the bigger Black/Death bands.

Imagine trying to throw Therion or Opeth onto the Darwin Suite.
Wacken is not expensive for what you get!! SOrry but money is not an issue for how many bands there are at wacken. I would think that most people woule like at least 10 bands there.
Money is not the only issue. I could easily afford Wacken, but it is more than likely I will have work commitments that prevent me from attending.