why Raggi rules


Feb 8, 2002
"Now that we've established that nobody will come to your shows and that the ones that do say you suck between songs, what's good about your band?"

That's fuckin' beautiful.

Good to see a sense of humor does exist in Metal every now and then.

Didn't know the dude in Gorguts did himself in - that truly sucks.

I like how the Dipnoi dude answered his "20 questions" thang. Need to hit their site.

Regarding the reviews - you're not turning into another Metal loathing Chedsey are ya?

I picked up a recent issue of Metal Maniacs (dunno how new it is), but within its pages is the most truly pathetic and creepy article by the editor lusting after Doro... veeeeery sad. Read like the sorta thing those nutbag stalkers write.

No pictures of a half naked Gossow in this ish, though. They're slipping.
Originally posted by numbskull
Regarding the reviews - you're not turning into another Metal loathing Chedsey are ya?

Not at all.

I hate shit because I care.

I'm in the middle of writing another vicious rant... and I did a Primordial interview tonight, and it was weird because Mr. Nemtheanga was telling me a bunch of stuff I'd already written down. hehe... that interview should stir some controversy as we talk some politics and he draws parallels between Ireland and Palestine...
Or how about this..........

"Somewhere in Hell, a demon is asking Satan if he likes heavy metal, and because of bands like GRIEF OF EMERALD, Satan is hanging his head in shame."

LOL!! I've been laughing about that line all day.
Originally posted by SSMT
Doesn't anyone get that I'm sick of BAD metal and there's just a plethora of it right now?

That's fair enough. Name a few metal releases that you ARE excited about lately. That's why I do so much reading/research in the first place......to find GOOD metal!
Perspective, man. Get it.

Sense of humor, dude. Get one.

Do I need to put smiley faces on everything that I write?

Apparently, yes... yes I do. Indeedy doody do. Yes.


Sense of humor, dude. Get one. :)

On a more serious note, there will always be more crap than good stuff. Much, much more. It's the rules. Check your handbook.

Oh yeah... :)
Originally posted by jageorge72
That's fair enough. Name a few metal releases that you ARE excited about lately. That's why I do so much reading/research in the first place......to find GOOD metal!

I'll just toss out Throes of Dawn and Primordial for the moment.
