why the crap is UM acting up so damn much?

I get that thing where it loads a blank page a lot. Also lately I've had occasions where when I use the quick reply box to post it will hang and post my message several times despite the fact I only pressed Post once. It's kind of annoying.

Same here.

*casts Mod Fixing*
^same except for the multi-posting part
Also it takes several minutes every day to load a page even if it only has like 2 posts on it...I dunno if the auto-log-out-if-I-don't-do-anything-for-a-few-minutes thing if supposed to happen though, it's kinda annoying....

The 'remember me' function
I couldn't even get the front page to load at all last night. I gave up after several hours whilst doing other stuff. Is Deron on holiday or something?


I dunno if the auto-log-out-if-I-don't-do-anything-for-a-few-minutes thing if supposed to happen though, it's kinda annoying....

This shits me as well. Does anyone know how to extend my "stay logged in while inactive" time? At the moment it's like 3 or 4 minutes.
I think it may be due to the very existence of a thread called the "social thread." Maybe Deron was right after all.


But yeah - the forums are slow as FUCK lately. I have to refresh my browser like 15 times to get every other page to show up.
I'm pretty sure I just spent about 15-20 trying to access the site. Worst I've ever seen it here, by far.
honestly i would fucking donate to get this forum to stop lagging all the time. I'm sure others would too, but fuck this is getting ridiculous
I am maxing out the RAM (memory) on the server. I am trying to decide if I am sticking with the server I am on and adding another 2 GB RAM ($50 extra a month) or moving to another provider for a better overall deal. I should have it sorted soon.
I am maxing out the RAM (memory) on the server. I am trying to decide if I am sticking with the server I am on and adding another 2 GB RAM ($50 extra a month) or moving to another provider for a better overall deal. I should have it sorted soon.

Sweet! Thanks for the news.