Why the hell has Rolling Stone not even mentioned OPETH...!!!

OK, see....

you get someone with good taste
then play the strokes for them
they suffer

is that a good explanation of my point?
Retarded drunk-sounding singer, simplistic and annoying drums(even though i have nothing against simplistic music), ultra repetitive melodies, boring/cliche forced lyrics...it is all just too monotonous and silly to be enjoyed.
I explained why i hate them just because i like you Powers, now fuck off.
Powers said:
Lol fairplay.

I still think they're probs the best Garage Rock band in recent years, otherwise why do you think every other band in the same catergory tries to copy them?

The same happens to KoRn!! how many idiotic nu metal fags copied that band? it is all shit, korn is influential, but they are still a shit band!!
Anyway, i think that the pop/alternative music scene really misses bands with the originality and brilliance of The Smiths for example, now that was a fucking great band...and Strokes aren't really doing anything original imo.
waz416c said:
Im so freakin angry...!!!......ive had teh magazine for 2+ years now....adn never have they even uttered anyhting about teh scandanavian metal...let aloen Opeth...!!!.....im really pissed...!!!.....I wrote them a letter today...I advice everyone do that too...!!!......goto thier website adn write to them ...!!!..........lets get opeth on the Rolling stone.....!!!..........PEAC EOUT

At LEAST they mentioned Opeth though, Amicorrect?? Cheers
Mr Samsara said:
Summoninig all the power of the mighty Å, I have aquired a copy of said letter.

"Daer Stollingrone....,

ive had teh magazien for 2+ years now..... NO OPTEH!!..... WFT?..... not a singel wrds!!!.... pull yuor heads out fo yur azzez!!.....!!!...!!...PEAC EOTU!!!"

Waz rulz.:Saint:
lmfao... that ruled
I remember the mexican Rolling STone reviewed Ghost Reveries last year and it got 5 stars... I had never seen an album get 5 stars in that magazine before
i aint play this said:
The same happens to KoRn!! how many idiotic nu metal fags copied that band? it is all shit, korn is influential, but they are still a shit band!!
Anyway, i think that the pop/alternative music scene really misses bands with the originality and brilliance of The Smiths for example, now that was a fucking great band...and Strokes aren't really doing anything original imo.

+ 1 for The Smiths, what a great band. I think that the indie rock scene is coming round to the idea of ripping off The Smiths. I've read a couple of interviews recently (can't remember who) where guys are saying how much they admire Marr's guitar playing.