Why we don't get "Blues Bros. Intro."


Feb 2, 2002
I just got a reply from Charlie about no "Blues Bros. Intro."

because of time restraints, the intro is 2 minutes and it cuts into our performance time
Fuck !! go on two minutes early then. It can't be a thrax show without that. oh, and asbury park was the only time I've ever seen Anthrax perform a set without Bring the Noise in it.
AlexStomp said:
Fuck !! go on two minutes early then. It can't be a thrax show without that. oh, and asbury park was the only time I've ever seen Anthrax perform a set without Bring the Noise in it.
That's what I said in my e-mail to him, "It's just not an Anthrax show without the Blues Brothers Intro." (Actually, I referred to it as "I Can't Turn You Loose")
I didn't get into it any further. I didn't want to make Charlie cry, like bRaT did......:grin:
I thought it was b/c the shows were sponsored by H. O. B. ......and they aren't sponsored by H. O. B. this go around........This won't be the only time I've ever been wrong if this isn't the case...