

New Metal Member
May 14, 2005
I just listened to songs by the other bands playing at SOTU, and i'm wondering... WHY is opeth playing on this tour? its going to be... shitty metal and then Opeth and strapping young lad. eh i'm still going though. it will be worth it, even just for 3 songs.
opeth were in another league when I saw them on this tour. there was one part of the crowd was was there for all those boring bands and the other part was there for opeth. When they took the stage, it was like an opeth show cause most of the nu-metal fans left the place so everybody was chanting: "opeth opeth opeth". Something I didn't hear for the other bands expect for gwar (everybody liked that one )and an ok reaction for lamb of god. But nu-metal is not really that popular here.
Andy87 said:
I just listened to songs by the other bands playing at SOTU, and i'm wondering... WHY is opeth playing on this tour? its going to be... shitty metal and then Opeth and strapping young lad. eh i'm still going though. it will be worth it, even just for 3 songs.

Because they get to play in front of more people than they ever have in America maybe?
Profanity said:
Maybe Mikael wants sex with a strap on, young lad. :lol:

Don't ban me :cry:

But yeah. A group of my friends (who likes Opeth) is going to see alot of the hardcore/screamo band. I'm probably taking some people just to see Opeth and maybe Gwar for a laugh, then leaving.
i wondered the same when i was there...
money? promotion?
i mean, it can't really hurt them.
but i really hope some gwar/slipknot/numetal-loving douchebag doesn't babble away next to me at the next show or so help me!
T-Rat said:
but i really hope some gwar/slipknot/numetal-loving douchebag doesn't babble away next to me at the next show or so help me!

So you wouldn't want someone to help you if you got crushed?

You'd rather choose HELl than HELp? :lol:
Looking for a Job said:
i propose that the two previous posts in this thread be deleted and their authors to be punished

God damn. What I said made perfect sense....even a caveman could figure THAT out.
I'm a big Lamb Of God fan. So sue me!! =D

I think they carry the torch that Slayer passed off. Great adrenaline pumping stuff.

Be a little flexible folks. You can't listen to one style 24/7.

Gotta say though, I was pretty surprised to see some people were only at the Rochester show to see Chiamira...... That's when you know you're getting old. :erk:
IAmTheAntichrist said:
I'm a big Lamb Of God fan. So sue me!! =D

I think they carry the torch that Slayer passed off. Great adrenaline pumping stuff.

Be a little flexible folks. You can't listen to one style 24/7.

Well I don't agree about being the next Slayer they've got some good fucking songs. Problem is a lot of people are to afraid to listen to something just because its getting more popular. I love metal but some metalheads can really be the most close-minded assholes on the planet. I will admit though I've listened to most of the bands on the line-up and there a lot of bad bands (Throwdown blows) there. But Opeth, Clutch, Lamb of God, and Strapping Young Lad are all killer.

edit: Just to be clear I wasn't referring to anyone posting on this thread with the close-minded assholes remark. But they are out there... ;)
I'm thinking it's a warm up for their killer US tour in support of the new album. I don't give a shit who's there. As long as I get to see Opeth and meet them I'm happy. If they get a couple new fans, more power to them. They deserve the extra revenue.....

T-Rat said:
i wondered the same when i was there...
money? promotion?
i mean, it can't really hurt them.
but i really hope some gwar/slipknot/numetal-loving douchebag doesn't babble away next to me at the next show or so help me!