
Because, they want to be/look "cool", they want to show off... they want to fit in a group of people and they are ass-kissers.

It's sad really when they try to be someone they are not... looks funny.
It really depends on the purpose of the mask:

For some, it is a way to "fit in", because they have that need

For some, it is to protect themselves from the world. If you show your true self, you may let others in too deep, and thus lose what you are trying to protect.

For some, it is a game. They can play with this variations of themselves, and see how it effects different people.

Some don't even know they have a mask. For those who say they don't wear a mask, I would challenge that, including myself. It is a defense mechanism. You survey your surroundings, and sometimes you have no choice but to alter yourself, even if slightly, in order to move on. For instance, you go to a job interview, and even though you don't lie, you don't let everything out, thus, a mask of sorts - one that contains the rest of you.

And some are just plain a*holes.
I remember this thread from last month.

But I was just going to say what mmcpa said, I know that I don't show anyone my whole self, I don't know why it just the why I am. I don't think anyone I know has the right to my private life. Maybe when I get married (yeah right :rolleyes: ) I will show myself to my wife but untill than it will remain private.
It really depends on the purpose of the mask: For some, it is a game. They can play with this variations of themselves, and see how it effects different people.

Well, I guess this is the closest to what I do myself with my father. What once was will never be again though because I "took off my mask." I've been trying to put it back on for him just to get some peace of mind, but its not working.

Some masks are better left on.
Originally posted by Kötöny
Why are people different, when they are not alone???
Why are most people live behind a mask of something, that is not true???
once again, sorry for my bad english:)

Those people are what we call crowd pleasers.
I know what you mean and what you are getting at...
But, I think it is important to approach reality in different ways depending on the situation...(metalmancpa is right, all people change their outward approach in different situations)
I sense plenty of latitude because I only really have my own fundamentals to answer too and I find it easy to move within these bounds. So, I still feel true to myself despite the fact a lot of people would describe me in different ways, due to this 'mask' pheneomena.

I guess that is where a-holes come in and I am sure they must "suffer" more than the annoyance/grievance that they subject to the odd outside observer. A lot different for a loved one though...
Originally posted by metalmancpa
It really depends on the purpose of the mask:

For instance, you go to a job interview, and even though you don't lie, you don't let everything out, thus, a mask of sorts - one that contains the rest of you.

This is one of most difficult situations for me...If I need employment and the field is unsavoury with regards to my ever present eco / social fundamentals, I can only be satisfied with the "Taming power of the small"...sounds pretty lame but it's the only way that I can cope with it all.
Originally posted by Opth_001
But I was just going to say what mmcpa said, I know that I don't show anyone my whole self, I don't know why it just the why I am. I don't think anyone I know has the right to my private life. Maybe when I get married (yeah right :rolleyes: ) I will show myself to my wife but untill than it will remain private.
I don't show anyone whole myself either. I don't want other people to know too much of me, it feels like you were vulnerable. There are a lot of people who know some things about me, but none of them really knows me, the one knows something and the other knows the opposite. And I don't think anyone even should know everything about you :err:
Because, they want to be/look "cool", they want to show off

I hope you know how wrong you are.

Do you not have barriers? Insecurities that force you to hide your true self from people? If not, then i envy AND pity you at the same time.
People are intelligent (or try to be). They follow their own goals, and if you speak to a single person, you may feel sympathy for that person or not, but the person usually doesn't need to adjust to him/herself so they will adjust to you or nobody at all - if the latter is the case, you can stop bothering with that person anyway.
GROUPS of people are a different matter, however. Most individuals in a group will feel the natural need of adjusting themselves to the rest of the group and improving their status within the group, which can disable the option of adjusting to you, or anyone else outside the group.
I don't think there is anyone who behaves the same way all the time, irrespective of whether he is alone or in a group of people. Our behaviour depends on our surroundings.
Originally posted by Trapped

I hope you know how wrong you are.

Do you not have barriers? Insecurities that force you to hide your true self from people? If not, then i envy AND pity you at the same time.

No, I don't think I'm wrong... I was talking about people who try to be someone what they are not just to look cool, showing off to their friends... who try to impress girls acting all "cool".

So no, I don't think I'm wrong. and you can envy AND pity me all you want.

Unless, I don't understand what you mean.