
Is that what she is calling herself? Or is it the press?? I highly doubt that she/they are aware of a guitarist extroadinaire over there in Helsinki;).
Those darn Canadians...J/K...no offense to Canadians or anyone else :) .
What really bothers me about pop is that ppl buy albums (and listen to them and like it) just becuase the singer is hot... even if they are pathetically no-talent (Avril is a god-awful singer and songwriter, if she even actually writes her songs).
straight in the nail... pop is fucking disgusting, i turn on the tv and see nothing but big white smiles and girls and all that shit to draw attention... it repels me so much, it really insults me to see what they valorize... screw all of them! tv and pop music!
Originally posted by The December Flower
that shithead avril lavigne stole alexis nickname! looser!

I didnt know that.. fucking bitch arrghhh that's not fair.. it should be All Rights Reserved to Alexi WWWWWIIIIILLLLLDDCCCHHIIILLLDDD Laiho , Copyright bla bla bla,

Avril Lavigne, Alexi Laiho... :rolleyes: Fuck!
Originally posted by EagleFlyFree
straight in the nail... pop is fucking disgusting, i turn on the tv and see nothing but big white smiles and girls and all that shit to draw attention... it repels me so much, it really insults me to see what they valorize... screw all of them! tv and pop music!

well said!!


:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Originally posted by gothErika®
it should be All Rights Reserved to Alexi WWWWWIIIIILLLLLDDCCCHHIIILLLDDD Laiho , Copyright bla bla bla,
Well, even Alexi was "inspired" (I want to avoid the word "steal" ;) ) by the song Wildchild of the band W.A.S.P. like asphyXy already said. The lyrics are pretty gay which is excellent because it's an 80s song. But you are right. Only Alexi should be allowed to use that name because it fits perfect to him, his character and his performance on stage.
I dont hate Avril.. but I do hate her music
I saw an interview with her on a channel here not too long ago... She seems like a decent person.. not a slut like spears or somethin

and I dont care if she stole a nickname.... because its only a nickname and we all know where it originally came from any so jus.... fuck it dude. Its not worth worrying about.
Originally posted by bodomite
I saw an interview with her on a channel here not too long ago... She seems like a decent person.. not a slut like spears or somethin.
[childish mode] BODOMITE LOVES AVRIL!!!! [/childish mode]

:p ;) :p
still don't get why everybody hates avril...
it's just punk?!? :confused:
the melodies aren't anything special, but nice anyway IMO. is it really THAT important that she's a cutie and makes some money with her shit?
I'd do the same in her situation.

well, maybe I wouldn't play punk. and surely I wouldn't wear a tie all fuckin day. and I wouldn't try to mix up a skater, punker, satanist image to sell my records.
and I'd try to show a little of the performance I have in my vids on stage..
well, actually I seem to hate her too... :D

anyway she's one of my fav alternates if I have to listen to radio once in a while driving a car... and I wouldn't mind her jumpin in my bed either.

but I'm still metal, ok?!?!? :lol:
Holy shit, I hear about this Avril everywhere! In school... random people talking... even fuckin metal forums!!! why?
Who the fuck is she and why do metal fans keep talking about her?!!!!

I don't watch mtv or listen to radio... I couldn't care less of what goes on in the pop world.