Will Harlequin Forest ever be played live?

The only thing (that I can imagine or know of) that would limit them from playing it live is the ending. The first time I heard it, I had a hard time picking up the rhythm. I'm not questioning the abilities of any of the members, but it seems like it would be difficult to play perfectly live. That said, I hope they do play it sometime in the future.
The only thing (that I can imagine or know of) that would limit them from playing it live is the ending. The first time I heard it, I had a hard time picking up the rhythm. I'm not questioning the abilities of any of the members, but it seems like it would be difficult to play perfectly live. That said, I hope they do play it sometime in the future.

no way,even i can play that,it wouldn´t be hard at all for them to play that live
Just trying to answer his question and that's all I could come up with. I can play it too...so what? The notes themselves are easy to play, but the rhythm is a little tricky, at least at first.
would be nice to hear it, but i dont know what kind of answer you were expecting with this thread. pretty sure even mikael has no idea if they'll play it.
Well, the tour in April/May miiiiiiight be to support new material (if they start recording soon), but even if it isn't I'm sure they'll pull out at least one song from Ghost Reveries that they didn't play on the last tour.
If I had to pick one song from Ghost Reveries for them to play it would be Ghost of Perdition. That song is fairly awesome, with the best riffs on the album. Harlequin Forest would be really awesome to see live though, a very enjoyable listen that song is.

Harlequin Forest is an awesome track, and I hope to witness it live someday.

There's no friggin' way they can't play the ending. If they wrote it, they can play it.

If we want to really dig, there are many other examples of time-sigs/syncopations that are technically more difficult than this ending that they pull off.

They are professional musicians who do this for a living. That ending is probably second nature for all of them. It may have been difficult for them when they first wrote the part and started rehearsing, but with practice comes flawless execution.
Harlequin Forest is an awesome track, and I hope to witness it live someday.

There's no friggin' way they can't play the ending. If they wrote it, they can play it.

If we want to really dig, there are many other examples of time-sigs/syncopations that are technically more difficult than this ending that they pull off.

They are professional musicians who do this for a living. That ending is probably second nature for all of them. It may have been difficult for them when they first wrote the part and started rehearsing, but with practice comes flawless execution.

I wasn't really suggesting that they can't play it; just putting it out there as a slight, but highly unlikely, possibility, considering Akesson is new and Axe is still fairly new. I agree that they can most likely play it flawlessly.
I wasn't really suggesting that they can't play it; just putting it out there as a slight, but highly unlikely, possibility, considering Akesson is new and Axe is still fairly new. I agree that they can most likely play it flawlessly.

I hear you. Usually musicians don't record what they can't play live, unless it's a specifically layered intro/outro or piece that they can't duplicate due to lack of instruments, etc.

It'd be pretty sad to show up to a Dream Theater or Nevermore concert expecting Petrucii or Loomis to nail their super-duper sweep arpeggio solos, but they can't execute the parts properly.

Another example is Blind Guardian. I'm not a fan, but I'm familiar with their heavily orchestrated albums where the use tracks upon tracks of operatic vocals and multi-layered harmonic guitar solos. When they play live, the audience makes up for the lack of opera singers for the sing along, but the guitar solos aren't as effective because the grandiose layers are missing.
