Benighted Joe
Favorite song: Hard one. I want to say "Ghost of Perdition", "The Baying of
the Hounds" and "Reverie/Harlequin Forest". But since I have to choose I'd
say the latter - "Harlequin forest" - because that song fucking kickass...
I mean my God the lyrics:
"Instruments of death before me"
Least good song: Hard one. I don't want to mention anyone since I like them
all, but I guess I'd go with "The Grand Conjuration". But that's just because
the ending is very boring and repetitive!
the Hounds" and "Reverie/Harlequin Forest". But since I have to choose I'd
say the latter - "Harlequin forest" - because that song fucking kickass...
I mean my God the lyrics:

Least good song: Hard one. I don't want to mention anyone since I like them
all, but I guess I'd go with "The Grand Conjuration". But that's just because
the ending is very boring and repetitive!