Will I blow up my Krank if I...

...connect my XXX send to the Krankenstein's return?

I want to try running the XXX distortion through the Krank. Is this dangerous for either amp? Or is a bad idea for any other reason?

Guitar -> XXX in -> XXX Send -> Krank Return -> Cab

im no amp expert, but i cant see that working out too well. Besides, why the shit would you wanna do that?
i would just run a distorted amp sim into a clean amp sim and see what happens. I have never heard of doing this before, so im gonna say its not gonna have good results
I'm no expert, but I'd swear I've read about guys running the preamp/send from one amp into another amps return. Basically you'd be using the preamp from the XXX going through the power amp of the Krank.

You'd still need a load on the XXX, so it'd be plugged into a cab, but have the master all the way down. To me the only real difference is if the two amps use different power amp tubes, but you may get surprising results even if they are the same.

Didn't The Haunted run the send of a 5150 into the guitar input of another 5150? That seems a lot more questionably dangerous than a send to a return.

I've run a PODXT into the power amp of my XXX for the fun of it.
Yep, you need a dummy on the XXX. You also better hope that the Loop volume isn't affected by the master volume if the XXX will be plugged into a cab.
im no amp expert, but i cant see that working out too well. Besides, why the shit would you wanna do that?

Loads of guys do this, it's just running pre section of one amp through the power section of another. Why do it? Cause it will sound different and have the potential for a killer tone. You need a load on each amp. Only other potential issue is a ground hum that might accur. That won't cause any damage, just create a hum.

I've run a few different pre's into the Laney Gh50L we've got here cause it's got 6l6's and my other power amps are el34's. Different flavour tone.

Have fun!
That's what's called a Slave amp, and it works, but as it's been said, you'll need a load on the XXX.
Usually, it is done with the line out, but it can work well in the fx loop as well.
Don't forget to turn the Krank's preamp gain to 0
It won't matter where the preamp gain is set on the Krank, as the preamp is bypassed in this scenario.

All you will be doing is running the XXX's preamp through the Krank's power amp, as someone already said.

May not make a huge difference in this case, especially since the XXX has an adjustable damping switch, so you can approximate 3 different power amp sounds. there would be a good chance you may find one of those settings is pretty close to the Krank's power section (assuming both amps are running the same power tubes). But different circuitry and bias may give you a cool tone, I can understand the desire to hear the difference.

I like running my 6505 into my XXX sometimes to hear how the XXX's el34's, bias and power amp sound with the 6505. Cool and different flavor to the tone.
May not make a huge difference in this case, especially since the XXX has an adjustable damping switch, so you can approximate 3 different power amp sounds.

TripleXXX manual says of the Damping Switch:
"This switch works much like the resonance and presence controls on other Peavey amps, if those controls were turned simultaneously."

Well, it's cheaper than pots. :tickled:
Pretty famous trick done by Fredrik Nordstrom:

Run the preamp of a ENGL Savage 120 into the poweramp of a 5150. It can be heard on various Dream Evil albums and the latest Evergrey album (Torn).

Sounds pretty tight tbh :loco:
Btw, most amplifiers preamp section still work while their ON STANDBY. And while you are on standby you don't need a load on your amplifier and you can still use your preamp section.

But, check your amplifiers manual to 100% verify this story. I'm not responsible for any damage to your amplifier if anything is gone wrong.