will pay to have my song mixed.


Apr 8, 2011
i have all guitars recorded clean.

i have bass as trillian but i will export it as a wav without any compression/eq/limiting on it.

i have the drums as midi. (i use superior drummer, but i will be getting steven slate soon so idc what you choose to use for the drums.)

i have several differant synths as midi. the instruments are from pro tools plugins so u must have pro tools.

there is partial vocals in the song but its still missing some parts.

the catch is i want the pro tools session when you are done. i still have to finish the vocals and the bass isnt permanent right now, but mostly i want to see what you guys do to glue the tracks together better.
Pro Tools session?

I'll do it dude and give you the PT session after ... But here's the catch: It'll be empty except for the wave files

Just about anyone else worth a shit will tell you the same

You want to see how it all works and actually learn something? Go to an actual studio and hire an actual AE
A lot of us will give it a shot, even for the chance of getting paid, but I doubt even the most desperate of us will hand over our pro tools sessions lol.

I'd just upload it, and if anyone does a job you really like you can talk it out from there.

Edit: I'd also be willing to give it a shot for free just because why not, no PT sessions but I'd explain it.
I'll be more than happy to take a shot at it, message me if you want or care to hear some previous work.
I agree with most of these guys - I will mix it for free if you want but I won't send you my pt file. I'll explain how I did it though if you want. PM me if you are interested or want to hear past works.
i understand not wanting to give up the pt file, i would be hesitant as well. i honestly am here to learn more not to be given a template of some kind. i tried asking the forum for some tips and didn't get any so i started this thread. (that soundcloud file is the song) as long as i can have some knowledge of what is actually going on im more than happy with that. ill up the files sometime today, only one person will recieve payment though. pm me before you do it for the price you are asking.