Will Putney's Glitch Effect


New Metal Member
Jun 19, 2011
Hi guys, this is my first post but a long time reader!

I've been a fan of Machine Shop mixes recently, more specifically when Will Putney is at the helm, and have heard a vocal glitch effect in a couple mixes.

Barring cutting up your audio file and pitch shifting/effecting the bejesus out of it, can anyone think of any easier way to do things like this? Kaoss Pad for instance?

(Sorry for only providing a link! The effect in question is at 0:20. I personally despise this band but I think the mix has a lot going for it! Please give your thoughts too!)

Thanks again!
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You can pull this off with a free plug in called Glitch and some automation, google it, it's free, or If you don't mind dropping some cash you can get Izotope Stutter Edit (i think that's what is called)