Will there be promo's going out for the upcoming album?

I agree with nearly everything that has been said here...the intolerant qualities that are unfortunately prevalent in the metal community would cause anyone to become disillusioned with the scene, but they are also universal. But there is a large sector of the metal community who embrace the unconventional, which obviously includes your existing fanbase. I think attempting to diversify your means of exposure is an ideal move...I have already seen positive reviews of MOTW on non-metal sites like www.progressiveworld.net, so the opportunity should not be wasted.

And I completely agree with the comment about the print mags and high-profile labels, which have done much to encourage saturation of metal.
You know what the problem is? The metal scene in general takes itself way too seriously. It's such a way of life for some people, and if you don't fit into that lifestyle, they create names like "poseur" to make themselves feel more metal. Shit, I just described 90% of the Chicago metal scene.
kleo706 said:

May I please have a promo? It's coming out right near my birthday and I will be ever so kind to it. Well, unless it sucks. Then I'll eviscerate the poor bastard when writing for Mindspell.
I love you for making such great promotion kleo...

And to add to the discussion, I think the general attitude of the metal fan/label/magazines are all a product of the ignorance of the fans. Since most fans have isolationist/anti-social tendencies in the first place, probably why they listen listen to metal, they end up cutting themselves up from the rest of the musical world. That makes the labels and the press encourage that sort of behavior in pleasing the fans.

I do think that because of the nature of metal, these particular fans are even more subject to enjoy weird and controversial music than other fans but are restrained by their own tendency to call everything that is not heavy "gay". I think a little education from the press and the discovery of different bands such as Kayo Dot is a step in the right direction for many of them and because of that they should not be dismissed.

As for buying the album, I will buy it. The only problem is to find a reliable distro in Canada that's not going to charge me 25$ for a single CD like most Tzadik records cost me.... the quest for the cheap distro...

I needed the name of a publication. Yours was handy. Suck it.
FuSoYa said:
way to take what i said out of context, greg.
i don't really feel that what i was commenting on was taken out of context...

FuSoYa said:
Of course I'm not assuming people in other scenes are less awful, but check out any other UM board and how many times things are called "gay". That shit just makes me fucking sick and the fact that I have any association to it whatsoever is more than a little troubling.
i agree with alot of what you say but i just disagree with the way you present it you know? And maybe it has been said by others in this post and it really is a moot point but i was just adding my own thoughts in.

i mean think about it like this. what if esoteric decided to not seek out any US distrobution for the new album and when asked about it said "We believe that Americans are terrible war-mongering people and it would make us feel dirty to release an album there and associate ourselves with those people." Of course it would probably make more sense from a band that isn't from a country associated with us in world politics but whatever, the point is that it would make you, as both a fan of the band and an american who is not an asshole, feel like shit.

and that is kind of how i feel about your thoughts on this thread. as a metal fan myself i felt like shit that you were associating me in that and i am sure the people who dig our band probably feel the same way.
the point is that it would make you, as both a fan of the band and an american who is not an asshole, feel like shit.

It actually wouldn't. I would totally understand, and I'd write to them to see if I could buy a copy from them directly. Three cheers to Esoteric if they took such a measure. This happens all the time on a national level and is called an embargo. It's an effective means of communicating that change needs to happen before trade will.
FuSoYa said:
It actually wouldn't. I would totally understand, and I'd write to them to see if I could buy a copy from them directly.
I think you're missing the point, though. Greg chose a bad example because you already feel an extreme disassociation with Americans and American culture. It's not something you have any belief in, and therefore you're in support of actions against it. More abstractly I think he means "If someone insulted you indirectly via your interest in, identification with, or involvement with something that maybe you hadn't seen the bad side of yet, or didn't the bad side was very bad, you'd be pissed, not interested." Like "Every white guy from CT whose last name starts with 'D' is an f'n cocksucker who doesn't know shit about anything" would be offensive to you, even if the guy saying it only meant "Dave Daniels from New Haven tripped me in the fourth grade, and Derek Derekson from New Britain once sold me a dimebag of oregano."
I appreciate how there seems to be a diversity of opinion within the band, which helps ensure a diversity of audience, I think. I like going to shows and seeing several different social groups there, each getting something slightly different out of a band they all like.
Additionally, yeah it makes sense that the initial reaction is to get pissed. What I'm interested in is the period of reflection that comes after they've given themselves a chance to cool off. Maybe lying in bed that night, maybe walking to school, but certainly not sitting in front of a keyboard.