Will this blow up my 6505?


Apr 10, 2010
Ok so i wanna try recording my 6505 tone directly into my line 6 xt live which I send to comp via usb (makeshift di.. "record clean signal" in line 6 control panel).. Then just use lecab/impulses on it after for cab emulation.. Now whats the best way to do this... I was recommeded that I hook up the head to my 4x12, then hook a cable up to the Effects Send into my line 6... Will this explode? Also there is a few other outputs.. Anyone have any experience in this?! I dont want fire.
Yep that's fine mate,
You HAVE to have your cab hooked up, thats the important part.

I've done this a few times with my cobra, it has an FX loop and Line out.
I used the line out but the FX loop also worked.
Wasn't there a sticky on this site at one point about making a dummy load (for use instead of a cab?)

Bear in mind, even a reactive load isn't going to quite react like a 4X12 cab... but I think the cork sniffing about "my pure tone" is sort of disproportionate... like... most people can't tell, or don't NEED the one tone vs the other, etc... it's like a placebo. :)
The biggest problem with the 6505 is the lack of a master, or volume on the line out, so even if you are recording using impulses you still need the cab connected and it gonna be pretty loud! You'd be looking at something like a THD hotplate if you wanted the head at full volume while attenuating the volume sent to the cab, or even as a dummy load for silent recording, which I'm sure it can do. You'll be grand, as mentioned, if you keep the 4x12 connected, and do not connect a cable from your cab outputs to the Line 6. I'm sure there is some preamp output in the 6505, so that might be worth a try as well as testing the fx send.