William Grim is an idiot...

Well that was enlightening.

Clearly religion and being conservate are the way to go!

I hate reading shit like this, it gets me too worked up.
5thSeason said:
its not a real site, its a political/religious satire site to make republicans/conservatives look bad.

When there's absolutely no difference between the real sites and the 'satirical' ones, can you really call it 'satire'? You don't make fun of Klan members by putting on a robe and joining the rally...

Either way, I stand by my smarty-pants statement, cause aren't I so witty? o_O o_O :worship: o_O o_O
Can anyone tell me who this person is??? I am living in Germany and I don't know who he is. I mean: is he someone important in the states? It seems to me, because you all care what this dickhead has to say. Normaly I try to ignore people telling me what is wrong and what is right.

"Stellt euch vor es ist Krieg, und keiner geht hin" -> "Imagine there is war and nobody comes to watch"
who the fuck cares what a canadian site says about anything? fuck canada

...sorry... ive been drinking
I was about to get upset until I saw the name of the website: The Iconoclast.

This is exactly what iconoclasts do...they tear down the sacred cows of our time and hold them up to ridicule.
Astral Poetry said:
Hmmm, a christian who's much less christian than most metal fans seem to be.

That's precisely what I thought.

There's a lot of cuntery to be found in there too, though. I basically agree with Cythraul.
That article was one of the most putrid piles of steaming excrement that I've had the displeasure to behold in a long while. Whether it be "satire" or serious there's no excuse for such tripe. What a jerk.
whats funny about that article (which i commented on in the PP5 forum) is that tools like that guy think they're "Christian" by saying and believing such shit, when in reality they don't even have a clue who Christ even was or what he stood for. they are the blasphemy, not metal.
i don't understand why so many people are so antichristian. antichurch, yeah. that makes sense. perhaps its the image projected by all the false believers that have popped up so recently in america. people who spout such crap and don't know what it means.

as for that quote "Hmmm, a christian who's much less christian than most metal fans seem to be. " i think it implies that those mourning the death of dimebag and holding vigils are expressing a more christian attitude, more positive, than that moron who condemned the man and all his fans.
Silent Song said:
i don't understand why so many people are so antichristian. antichurch, yeah. that makes sense. perhaps its the image projected by all the false believers that have popped up so recently in america. people who spout such crap and don't know what it means.

as for that quote "Hmmm, a christian who's much less christian than most metal fans seem to be. " i think it implies that those mourning the death of dimebag and holding vigils are expressing a more christian attitude, more positive, than that moron who condemned the man and all his fans.
That would make sense.
On a related note: People seem to be calling mourning death to be a christian thing. Mourning death is not an aspect of christianity. Most humans mourn death of loved ones or people they know regardless of religion. It's an aspect of humankind, not necessarily christianity.
Silent Song said:
i don't understand why so many people are so antichristian. antichurch, yeah. that makes sense. perhaps its the image projected by all the false believers that have popped up so recently in america. people who spout such crap and don't know what it means.

as for that quote "Hmmm, a christian who's much less christian than most metal fans seem to be. " i think it implies that those mourning the death of dimebag and holding vigils are expressing a more christian attitude, more positive, than that moron who condemned the man and all his fans.

Yeah, minus the 'more positive' part, purty muchen.

*not debating this any more ever though, tbh*
Melodeath said:
What does that mean?
It's pretty obvious: most metal fans are martyring the man, making pictures of him with angel wings and having vigils. Though I don't agree with his generalizations about metal, the writer of the article put the man's death in a more realistic view than the rest of the crying metalheads.
easy now genocid roach i am from canada and i like what is guy has said about dimebag this asshole has in for any metalhead and for that he says these things. from a pantera fan in canada rip dimebag.i am not mad keep on drinking bro.
Oh, someone has written something about metalheads. He doesn't like metalheads.