Wilson vs. Akerfeldt

Mike would get the upper hand at first by out-vocaling and out-guitaring Steve but Steve would songwrite the shit out of him and produce his vocal harmonies till Mikael had to admit to defeat
opeth8 said:
Maybe he meant, Mike would growl him into submission ???

To me it's a no brainer. Mike wins by a landslide, thanks to his voice alone.

You'd probably see his mouth open Aphex Twin style... and all of SW's flesh peeling off... just because of the ferocity of Mike's growl.
ah, come on people, Steve Wilson doesn't look really weak..:bah:
I wouldn't be surprised if he can do some serious martial arts :flame:
but I don't think they would ever come to a fight:p
too pacifistic you know... ( good thing)
when SW makes slide guitar backing tracks, PEOPLE DIE!
haha he does some awesome slide work in many songs though. he certainly made drapery falls better with it.
AFairJudgement0 said:
i dont know about u guys, but mikes lyrics are about some pretty fucked up things that suggests to me that mike is a lil crazy in the head... if i was SW id watch out, cause Mikes crazy like a fox, and i wouldn't wanna fight a crazy person...

and some of wilsons lyrics are just fucking wierd and seemingly nonsensical...

but theyre no dev townsend.

"And I can't even EAT
And I can't even FUCKING PISS!!!'
judge weiner said:
True story: Steven Wilson broke my jaw at a Pantera show in Dallas
when steven wilson jumps in the water, he doesn't get wet. the water gets steven wilson. :lol:
haha alright then. and then tool would take another eternity to release a new album!

martin lopez vs SW? haha ML hands down! hed just pull out some drumsticks and break wilsons skull. and in a dirty latin accent hed say 'what da heel you know man, i weel break your skull.'