

Let me die in solitude...
May 30, 2001
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Finally got the new Winds in my hands, and the cover is even better looking on paper than computer screen! And that wierd nebula like stuff inside is very cool as well! Great cover...
Yeah, I saw that cover and thought it was awesome! I listened to the song clips on CDNow and the CD sounds good, real atmospheric, but I couldn't get a good idea from 30 second clips nor could I find any other info about this band anywhere except some Russian site and all the Russian I know was learnt in Korea, but even then it was all "Yes," "No," "I would like some vodka," "Bitch" and "Fuck Me" type of I couldn't understand it...hehehe!
Winds is a supergroup composed of Lars Eric Si (Sensa Anima and Khold) on vocals, Carl August Tideman (Arcturus and Tritonus) on guitar, Andy Winter (I don't know where he's from...) on keys and songwriting, and Jan Axel Von Blomberg (Mayhem, Arcturus, and The Kovenant) on drums. Definitely recommended, the first ep is also a must have. It's not quite as good as the new Arcturus, but it is pretty close.
I ordered it from The End Records the other day, it comes with their first EP. I can't wait to hear it. What is cool is that they accept paypal! So much easier than traditional mail order, unless you have credit cards which I don't because I would max them out in a day buying music shit! Hehehe...
"It's not quite as good as the new Arcturus, but it is pretty close."

A lot of people I've talked to actually think the opposite. But I think by directly comparing the two albums you do a great injustice to both. They are very different, both incredibly good in their own way, and there is no way you can say that one is better than the other without basing it on personal taste.

And that's ok I guess, but personal taste will vary from person to person. Musically speaking they are both excellent, and one is not better than the other. On production however I think Winds pulls the longest straw as the Arcturus sound seems dirty and unfinished in some ways. But the songs are still fantastic, and what I said before still stands.
I got the CD the other day and I must admit it's very good. Definitely glad I bought it! Funny because if it was for Travis' cover I would never have known about this band (at least not now) that's cool...
...and it's amazing how much the music fits the artwork and the other way around. Seems like they put a lot of effort into consistency between music, lyrics and art. This is one of the most completely thorough releases ever, and something leads me to think it's very detailedly planned.
jeeeeeeeezzz finally I've seen the cover, and it's already fill in the application for the Top 5 Travis covers!!!!!

fathervic (aaaaaaawwwww)
well because all the Terria artwork is as incredible as digital artwork can be...haven't seen such a great artwork....not even my other digitalartist god has been so great in a concrete material!!!
Yeah, Terria is amazing! Absolutely awesome. What's great about the Winds CD is that it is so simple! Simplicity can be so powerful sometimes!

I like the Katatonia CD's a lot too. And a few bands I've never heard, the new Beseech and Redemption. I think those covers are awesome too!

I like the winds artwork a lot but the music is so repetative. It's like this.. stars off with some cello, piano, drums..kicks in with simple rock riff, then vocals, then a fast palm muted single note rifs with double bass behind it, with sweep solos over top. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if the singer didn't do all that talking.. that WINDS cover ever amazing!!! I cannot believe my has this kind of darkness to it that is quite appealing to me. One of the greatest CD covers I have ever seen!

And now, this band has interested me. It seems they may be very good. I must hear some of their stuff. What kind of music do they play? Are they metal, by any chance?