Winterlunium - Sundown (kind of Black Metal)

Uploaded the new version with reverbs from my G-Major 2 instead of convolution reverbs. I think the distorted guitars sound better now, but the acoustic is less 'crystaline' than earlier. I'm not sure if it sounds a bit more 'real' now and if that might be a good thing ;D

... any comments?
Yeah the first post. Now that I heard better, your bass needs some work. He have a strange sound. I think he have to much low mids. It sounds muffled. Try to apply some brightness and cut some low mids, might sound better.
The bass doesn't fill the song enough at the first quick listen, but I mainly want to say that the riff you have from 1:23 to about 1:30 is terrific. Personally, I hate black metal drumming with a passion as I just can't get into the groove, but guitar-wise, you have some great stuff going on in that song.