Wintersun - Time, UPDATE!

Originally Posted by Dodens Grav
Actually, even though I don't like Ensiferum, the songwriting is exactly why they're better than Wintersun. Wintersun is clearly more ambitious, but they overextend themselves to such a great extent that the songs at least that are on their myspace all inevitably morph into an incoherent mess. Ensiferum is more simple and straightforward, and this better serves the songwriters' skill level. Ambition is a great thing. Ambition without skill is Wintersun.

Like I said, I enjoyed the songwriting. It wasn't perfect classical, music theory major worthy, but it was complex and to me very coherent. This is the only legit-sounding reason I've seen yet, any other reasons?
Yes, it's a very big deal. You have to deal with that very big deal.

It's only a big deal because his sig is annoying, he comes on the forum and posts non-metal stuff on There's a non-metal music thread and a pop forum,etc...