

From here to death
Nov 29, 2004
So what does everyone think of this band? I bought the cd, and it did take me a few listens to get into it, But i find it VERY impressive, Technically it is amazing i think! And different!1 Just wondered what you all thought? :headbang:
I'm kind of an even mind between Wintersun and Ensiferum. Wintersun basically seems much the same, just a teensy darker. I personally ponder what Ensiferum will sound like now that the singer has left their band. He possessed a pretty distinctive sound (and not an unpleasant one!)
I just wanted to say that the video for Beyond the Dark Sun is fucking great. So simplistic and not terribly original but I'll be damned if Jari and company aren't rocking their sox off. The whole vibe of the video is awesome. Jari's facial expressions = w1n.

Gimme some good Ensiferum songs. I have Wintersun and its a decent album but I never got into Ensiferum...
The title track from the second CD, Iron, is hot. I like Lai Lai Hei and Tale of Revenge, too.
I downloaded the Iron album. Much better than the Wintersun album I think. I love the folk inspired acoustics. The guy is an amazing guitarist/songwriter, that's for sure.
I bought the cd two days ago in Amsterdam, it's a great cd! Together with the Ensiferum - Iron cd you can hear how great a muscian he is.
I saw the CD in a store in Vancouver when I was there but it was $34.99. Fuck that! It better have 2 bonus discs and a bonus live concert DVD for that price.

I can't wait for the new album. When I'm in Finland I'll definetly get it there. It's gotta be lower that 45 fuckin Euros.
I have been into Wintersun for about 12 months or so, and i've been listening to Ensiferum for a few years. I really like both bands, but Wintersun IMO is the better of the two. I can't get enough fo them, and i can't wait for the new album!