
I can't decide which is better, Ensiferum S/T or Wintersun S/T, but they are both brilliant. Don't like Iron that much, but it's also good. But one thing's for sure...Jari Mäenpää is the man. Cant' wait for the next Wintersun album.
star child is the best song ever

I personally ponder what Ensiferum will sound like now that the singer has left their band. He possessed a pretty distinctive sound (and not an unpleasant one!)

true, but petri from norther has a good voice too. and jari only did growling on ensiferum and markus did the clean vox. however im not positive about that.
I've been listening to ensiferum and wintersun a lot...I got bored of's good but not that's a definite buy for sure! I could've expected jari to do better on his debut's really not that different from "Iron". The only difference is the drums...on "Iron" you can hear it breakin your ears but on wintersun...sounds cool, but not hard. Im not trying to discourage the people who are willing to buy these 2 albums....once you listen to them both you will be left with a feeling that theres something that jari could've done better.
hah this whole thread is so off topic. but anyway, while we are at it, another sick folk metal band is turisas. any of you people listen to them?
Wow, Turisas are from Finland and I hadn't even heard of them before come? It's a pretty good band, but I'd like to see more growling and less choirs. Korpiklaani is a pretty similar band also, but they've got no growls, just some drunken singing.
It's more like Beer Metal than folk metal. If well done it's nifty..but after a point it's just...:err: Visor Om Slutet was good in that sense, but I've found a few bad ones...that I've forgotten the names of.
The Bringer said:
Korpiklaani and Wintersun are my favorite folk metal bands.

I don't really know if Ensiferum goes under folk or viking?

If they are under folk then they come before the other two. :D

There are no vikings in it's folk metal :cool:
korpiklaani are a good live band, heh.
turisas rock, "Battle Metal" may be a little bit of a misleading album title, but then it is that: battle feeling : ))
too bad i missed them this year on tour
the album is awsome (imho), i wish had seen them live :(

i should really listen to wintersun. had no opportunity yet.
maybe I should have gone to the x-mas-festival tour, but to be honest i wasn't prepared to pay about 30 euros for exactly 2 bands of interest....
the best thing was the unplanned aftershow party, wohoo! (I didn't know who everyone was, but anyway - i never do :p )