WIP: MIDI Controller

Josh M.

Jul 11, 2009
I am going to be building a midi controller for Ableton live soon and figured that I may as well start a work-in-progress thread that would update with the project. It's not exactly metal and more of an electronic music based project but it's still relative (at least I think so).

So, I am going to be building it around one of these. It's a USB powered PCB that lets you hook up 32 analogue or digital components (buttons, pots, faders and other stuff that is actually a bit more interesting :lol:). No coding either; just soldering.

I'll be putting it in a wooden enclosure (trying to get a friend to do it) and it will have 16 square arcade buttons (with LED's), 8 knobs and 2 faders. Looking at my design, I see a very strong imitation of another home-built MIDI Controller that I have seen. Creative me :rolleyes:.

Anyway, here's a plan I've done up in Google Sketchup:



I'll update this when I've done anything (well, when I actually start building it). With step by step. Just thought some of you might find this interesting.
Great, I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out :) A former classmate at uni did the exact same thing, he built it with a different card though so he did all the programming himself, and he had a fair deal of latency when it was finished. But that really shouldn't be a problem with your card :)
Looks really interesting. I guess it'd be possible to make one with motorized faders, right?

With this board, you can't implement motorised faders unfortunately. Only analogue inputs for this type of thing (I am assuming that motorised faders would need digital encoders?). With other boards however, it would be possible with the help of some coding.