Wireless for guitar...suggestion?


Super Rad Member
Dec 13, 2005
I need a wireless system for my guitar because I am tired of tripping over my goddamn cord at shows. Any suggstions? Shure? Shen? Freeport? etc....
...Samson, AKG, Audiotechnica, dbTechnologies...
There's loads, all good for the job, unless you're a freaky wireless fanatic.
If you're using stompboxes you might wanna check out the Samson Airline, (ugly!) but IMHO it's stupid to have a receiver in your rack if you have to send out to your boxes and back again... you sometimes could do with 10 meters less cable...
In addition to my orginal question I was wondering what the best method for me to run my TU-2 tuner. Should I just go out and buy 2 short as cables?
Be careful buying wireless if you live in the U.S. Read up on "White Spaces" on google. The goverment is screwing wireless companies.

Shure is the only company that has a plan of attack to keep wireless tech viable. My opinion is a little biased, but I won't go into that.

Shure stuff just rocks.