Wiring guitar pickup directly to cable


New Metal Member
Aug 26, 2011
so hello guys,

i'm making a one string guitar and i have a electric guitar pickup.
i saw a guy on youtube that wired the cables from the pickup directly to the 1/4 cable but i can't find the video.

the pickup has a black, a white and a red wire. how should i connect them?
Uh, read the manual? Pickups come with instructions which indicate which wire is which as there is no universal color code for pickups. If I had to guess, black is hot, white is ground and red is possibly a coil split output or power if its an active pickup.
but in the cable which part is the hot and which the ground?

btw it's an unknown brand pickup so no manual.
Why do you want a one string guitar?

Because It's cool, and I can make it myself.

Why I shouldn't want it? :D

BTW there was a festival that I saw a band with only voice, drums and a one string guitar.
It was pretty cool but I can't remember it. Do you know them?