Wise words from Bill Maher.

Flies will die some time before or during the time when the sun enters gravity expansion in the transition between yellow dwarf and red giant.
Somehow this turned into a double post, so I'll just make a relevant comment instead of stammering. We can always make mead from honeydew :)
Mead isn't really beer considering its made like a wine.

And it won't go away, it'll just cost more. And I'll continue to buy it.
Bugger that. I'll either buy the comb itself in support of a local, independent delicatessen, or keep bees at some point in the future.
Bee-killing or not, cell phones have made our society collectively more retarded. People floor it down the interstate while chatting on a cell phone, and despite what kind of a genius you like to think you are, your attention IS divided while doing this. Ten years ago it would have been considered extremely rude to interrupt a person who is speaking to you, but today people do it all the time for their cell phones, even in the middle of lectures at college classes for which they are shelling out their own hard-earned money.
Bee-killing or not, cell phones have made our society collectively more retarded. People floor it down the interstate while chatting on a cell phone, and despite what kind of a genius you like to think you are, your attention IS divided while doing this. Ten years ago it would have been considered extremely rude to interrupt a person who is speaking to you, but today people do it all the time for their cell phones, even in the middle of lectures at college classes for which they are shelling out their own hard-earned money.

I said as much above. I won't answer my cell phone in the middle of a conversation for just that reason. In fact, cell phone answerage is always firmly at the bottom of my priority list.
i havent seen any decrease in any bees in my mother's garden... the fuckers buzz me mowing the yard all the time...
Söy;6123234 said:
i havent seen any decrease in any bees in my mother's garden... the fuckers buzz me mowing the yard all the time...

Because the bee parasites simply aren't affecting the wild bees in any major way.
Wise Words? Where now? Oh I see he quoted Einstein, that must be it.

But that Einstein quote has been used and abused ad nauseum and there has been nary a source proving it to be a real. Bees hardly top the list of things we should be concerning ourselves with.

And before you say "Oh, but Bill was simply using it as a point to make a more generalized comment", deeply thought out or not (obviously the latter), it's a silly matter altogether however you piece it. Nonstop media sensationalism.

wiser words than maher
Wise Words? Where now? Oh I see he quoted Einstein, that must be it.

But that Einstein quote has been used and abused ad nauseum and there has been nary a source proving it to be a real. Bees hardly top the list of things we should be concerning ourselves with.

And before you say "Oh, but Bill was simply using it as a point to make a more generalized comment", deeply thought out or not (obviously the latter), it's a silly matter altogether however you piece it. Nonstop media sensationalism.

So, earth is in bad shape because of "media sensationalism"?
The bee issue is an example.. brain food to realize that if little things will disapear they might effect other things that we may forgot about.. simply an allegory, and nothing more.
Yes... I read the snopes right after hearing this on his show..
I know... That was prolly made up by bee keepers who were arguing against low priced honey a decade or so ago. Also, TV remotes use high frequency, short distance infra-red radiation to do their jobs, as compared to the many times lower frequency, longer distance cell phone microwave radiation. Unless bee colonies are in 30 ft of our remotes, I doubt they’d be affected at all.

Derick, how's that for a scary though: by 2040 there will be almost no more sea food in the sea to harvest.
I don't know what about you, but that's scary... :Smug:

Seriously now... I think everyone should do little by little. I agree with what he said about the plastic bags. If only............. :rolleyes:
Karen: See "domestic bees" are dying. The wild ones giggle and go about their business. Mead will cost more. Fruit is ok.
If you guys are interested in how to save the world (seriously), you should do some reasearch on edward o. wilson. The greatest auther of evolutionary biology i've ever read.

Highly intellectual and very stimulating. I recommend starting with the naturalist.
"The most dangerous of devotions, in my opinion, is the one endemic to Christianity: I was not born to be of this world. With a second life waiting, suffering can be endured- especially in other people. The natural environment can be used up. Enemies of the faith can be savaged and suicidal martyrdom praised." Wilson