Wish me luck.

I've got an interview at work tomorrow for a new and better position. It'll be between a $5-10k a year raise which I really really need. So please keep your fingers crossed for me. I'm vying for this between 4 other people in my department as well as about 250+ other people outside the company (one major insurance company is pulling their offices from CT.)

Wish me luck and keep me in your thoughts!

Alright quick update as I'm trying to get my son packed for tomorrow's ass crack of dawn flight.

Interview went really really well. Wowed the hell out of them (according to my super) they have 38 applicants for this positon and 3 spaces. I've been told so far I'm in the top 3. The interviewer was blown away by my portfolio of insurance crap (classes, certificiations, licenses, letters of reccomendation, etc.)

It's not 100% as they are interviewing into next week, but so far it's looking really good!

Go for it girl! I will definitely send some positive vibes your way. I've been working a part-time job in addition to my full-time day job and I know how hard it is to feel the pinch!