Wish Me Luck


Aug 30, 2001
I just officially registered for my first BJJ tournament. Been wasting my summer away getting hot and sweaty with guys after work every day in order to prepare for this. It's an entirely new experience for me. I've never been involved in any kind of grappling sport or martial art until I started BJJ less than a year ago. I figured the competition bug would eventually bite, but not this soon. I don't really know what else to expect or think. I had my first nervous attack the other night and it came out of nowhere, but I've felt fine since. I'm sure I'll have more closer to the event. All I can really focus on now is doing my best and looking forward to the experience. We'll see what else happens beyond that when the time comes :)

Sweet, good luck. I saw on the schedule of the gym that I'm joining that right after the pole dancing class I take is a class which apparently combines Brazilian jiujitsu and dance. I might stick around for it someday.
You helped inspire me to take BJJ Kev, give em hell!

Sweet, good luck. I saw on the schedule of the gym that I'm joining that right after the pole dancing class I take is a class which apparently combines Brazilian jiujitsu and dance. I might stick around for it someday.
Interesting... you have to check it out now just to tell me what it's like if for nothing else haha. I've never heard of anything like that before, although I bet it's fun as hell to dance yourself into a rolling kneebar :D
I have two buddies that have been doing bjj for less than a year and already have their blue belts. They have been busting their asses and going to as many tournaments as possible. I would like to join but I am too far behind. If I were to start, it would be for fun and not competition or belts.

Good luck to you, Kevin!
Thanks ya'lls. Less than a week out now and the nervous attacks have increased slightly. Rolled real light in practice last night, but I was able to grab an ultra slick omoplata on a new guy. I think for the rest of this week I will just be doing warm ups and keeping up a sweat during practice, no but no actual contact. Must remain pain free until Saturday!

Nervous and excited :)
Go for a run in the woods before the tournament. Great way to release your nervousness.