Wishlist Top 3...


New Metal Member
Nov 2, 2004
First, I'm curious if maybe anyone else has heard about an upcoming Ark release? Anyhow, if so, that album, Simpsons Season 6, and of course, the upcoming Enchant album would be the top 3 on my futures wishlist.

Also, I'm curious if the "Live At Last" cd/dvd releases have impacted or inspired the band for the next album anyhow?
I'm afraid to say that we won't probably have a new ark release. Although I was lucky enough to hear some amazing new material from Tore Østby and John Macaluso (these were just basic tracks drums and guitars and really kicked a@$$), I got the word from Macaluso himself that there won't be a new ark record. Sorry but I can't say more
I must say I'm really disappointed there won't be anything new from Ark soon. Burn The Sun to me has to be a top 5 album of all time. Of all the albums I own, that album never gets old to me, it's one of very few I can listen to repeated anytime and still love. So I guess if I must strike that from my anticipations list, I'll replace it with the upcoming Queensryche album. From what I've been reading, it's supposed to be a follow-up/continuation of the album, 'Operation: Mindcrime', another favorite album of mine.
drummerboy58 said:
So I guess if I must strike that from my anticipations list, I'll replace it with the upcoming Queensryche album. From what I've been reading, it's supposed to be a follow-up/continuation of the album, 'Operation: Mindcrime', another favorite album of mine.

I'll be honest with you and I HOPE I'M GOING WRONG, but it's been since few albums (Since Hear in the now frontier) that QR has no more to say musically ok tribe was good but that's it. I don't know how will it sound like but when I heard they were working on it I was like :" okaaay money has talked"
Ze Dan said:
I'm afraid to say that we won't probably have a new ark release. Although I was lucky enough to hear some amazing new material from Tore Østby and John Macaluso (these were just basic tracks drums and guitars and really kicked a@$$), I got the word from Macaluso himself that there won't be a new ark record. Sorry but I can't say more

Speaking of Tore Ostby, Didn't Conception reunite to play Prog Power USA last fall? I was wondering/hoping that a new Conception album might come out of that. Has anyone heard anything?
Hi... New Enchant fan here... just got Tug of war!

Well... back on topic:
1) The Control Denied album to be recorded and released
2) The new Time Machine album to be recorded and released
3) The new Khali album to be recorded and released

Bum Zen

Welcome bro, thanks for picking up Tug man.

.............and by the way youn have the greatest handle EVER!

Dictator of your ass hey? classic! I am loving that one! nice! :cool:

BumZen said:
Hi... New Enchant fan here... just got Tug of war!

Well... back on topic:
1) The Control Denied album to be recorded and released
2) The new Time Machine album to be recorded and released
3) The new Khali album to be recorded and released

BumZen said:
Hey... sorry about the late reply, but I am working like a maniac!

Thanks for the compliment!

What albums should I get next?

Get all of them of course! But the best way to start is with the live set, "Live At Last". Then maybe work your way backwards from "Blink of an Eye".
DiscoDave said:
#1. Another Kevin Gilbert album.

#2. Another Kevin Gilbert album.

#3. A Kevin Gilbert produced Enchant album.

that would be a dream come true. I have heard hope/speculation for a live Toy Matinee album and also Nick said the SHAMING OF THE TRUE live from ProgWest'02 very likely will come out at some point.

otherwise..all those rareities would be great..not sure when it'll happen..I got a lot of the stuff via some of the Kev trading list on Yahoo Groups

Kevin Gilbert is one of my gods..someone should make a film about him...wonder who you could cast as him though

Hey I missed the first post here in the thread.

Drummerboy, Live at Last was pretty much just the history of the bands music for everyone all in one Live DVD, Disc.

However it is always an inspiration and impacts us when something works. Hopefully we are able to be around long enough to do another one someday. There is always so many things you wish you could do. I not sure how it effects our next one which will be a little differant and yet simular. How is that for a vague answer. I think we are in top secret mode operation now and taking our time to make this one xtra cool. So far so good. More soon as we progress on that OK.
