With Oden on Our Side


off topic user
Dec 29, 2005
brooklyn, ny
hey guys, I was just curious to see what people think of the production on the new Amon Amarth album, With Oden On Our Side. I am a huge fan of theirs and I can't wait to see them live in december with bodom.

I personally love the production, it is so crisp, yet raw. Check it out!!!!

Not to mention those vikings really stepped it a notch for this album!!:kickass:

edit: oh yea, u can check out one of the tracks at http://myspace.com/amonamarth but I love the other songs equally if not more!
I just realized why it sounds so good...

Jens Bogren produced it. This guy is quickly becoming my favorite producer/engineer. Nothing he's touched has sounded anything less than amazing.