With your help this will be my epic impulse thread.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
Here is the deal. Right now I have 2 oldschool AKG 414 mics, a senn 441, and a md421 II. I also have 2 57s, 2 blue balls (that suck, but why not throw them in right?), and an e609.

I want to make some impulses. I have a bassman 100 head, madison divinity, and 5150 (the B-52 is still out for service) and of course my cab (crate blue voodoo stock with vintage 30s).

What does everyone want? I was thinking on/off axis for all as well as right at the dustcap at intervals of 1/2", 1" and 3" except for the 414 (because that thing sounds bad when it's tight against the grill). Also what else should I run a sine sweep through?

I have done impulses before but I only did 3 :lol:. This time I would like to do a lot more, oh and with pics. :)

So lay it on me, I'm gonna be doing these tomorrow. Oh and since I was somehow retarded the last go around, could someone deconvolve these for me? :erk:
Dude, I just made like 72 impulses today, i will teach u the magickz.

I setup a separate project for each amp, then groups for each microphone i used.
then, I would just setup my mic and arm the track i wanted, record, save and move to the next mic position.

Voxengo Deconvolver is FREE. you can only do 3 impulses per session, but just close and open it again to do three more. it's really easy.

i don't know why there isn't a tutorial yet, but if i get tiem, maybe i'll write one up?...??? (!?P)....

the setup is the part that takes the longest.

i did six positions on-axis for each mic, i find that if there's too many impulses, i get tired of trying all of them.
the organization is kind of tough, i just relied on verbose naming of my files, mostly.
Sloan. That's perfect man!

Organizing this was definitely on my mind. I was thinking folder track named for each amp (so 3 folder tracks) that could collapse into more folder tracks containing each mic and then labeling the tracks with there positions?

I don't really want to switch projects on each, but maybe that is a good idea?

I was also thinking of doing a stereo room pulse for each just for the fuck of it (although I doubt it will be all that good).

Anyhow here are my ideas for each (except the 414):

on axis:
center @ 1,2, and 5" away.
Edge of dustcap @ 1,2, and 5" away.
Between edge and center of speaker @ 1,2, and 5" away.

off axis around 30 degrees:
Same as above.

AKG 414:

On axis @ 6" and 1'
Off axis at 6" and 1'
Stereo pair in the room.
On and off axis at 3" with the roll off switch engaged (where it sounds the best to me :lol:).

The only problem with all of this is that if you do the math this is a fuck load of impulses. I'm doing 57,b ball,609,441,and md421 each in 18 positions times 3 amps (54 impulses per mic) :erk:. So now that I am thinking about that fact, I may only be doing one amp (over 90 pulses per amp) depending on how fast this goes.

Feel free to point out my math being shit since it's 1:30am and I am a little tired.
Dude, why would anyone want B Ball and 414 impulses? Cut the crap and focus on the desirable mics/positions; quality over quantity nukka!
If you have problems with deconvolution, just send me the test-tone and the recorded tone, I'll give it a try with Voxengo Deconvolver...