Does anyone have any impulse files like this?


Shroud of Bereavement
Nov 22, 2005
Boston, MA // Northern VA
I'd like to try recording my Engl Savage 120 direct, and then using an impulse to approximate the way I normally have it set up when I use a mic, because I can't always have it as loud as I'd like to record at home (this amp is designed so that it can be used essentally as a preamp when in standby mode).

All of the impulse files I can find seem to be through EL34/6L6-based power amps, so the first part is finding something using KT88s/6550s. I use a 4x12 loaded with Celestion CL80s, and generally prefer a Sennheiser e609 very slightly off-axis, where the dustcap meets the cone, right up against the grillcloth.
What do people generally use for the signal to send through the gear to make a speaker impulse? All of the ones I've tried are sort of a clicking sound, but I can't tell what that sound's original source is.
Wait, really? Are you serious?


These impulses were captured with my VHT 2/90/2 power amp (KT88s), Avatar 412 (with CL80s), and an e906, both straight onto the cone and one exactly where you want it.

Enjoy! :D

We've been over the "we have the same taste in tone" thing on like 3 forums now, I can't believe I didn't think to ask you! :lol:

Thanks dude, I'll give those a shot!