WitTR- Black Cascade Latte Venti w/ a touch of cinnamon

Should fetch a ton

Hold UP! The vinyl sold for 2k on ebay.

I got it on cd, think its the Tumult release. I'll sell this in a heart beat if some hipster wants to take it off my hands. For 2k I'll drive it to their Bay Area door and hand it to em personally.

For a measly 150, I'll just keep the fn thing as it reminds me of the one highlight of my first trip to SF. City is fucking disgusting.
San Francisco rules. Taken several vacations up there, always a fantastic time.

Many years ago when Hammers of Misfortune was on tour they were playing 90 minutes from me, and 500 miles away in San Francisco. I chose SF and loved every second, including getting harassed by a hot homeless chick.

her: "hey do you have any change?"
me: "no, sorry."
her: "you're not sorry."

I was sorry. I had to no change on me. And she was very attractive.
Probably a gummer by now, it's been about 17 years. Or maybe she's VP of Facebutt, who knows. Dorian, see if you can get a resume from her, I wanna know if the 35 cents I didn't have would've changed the course of herstory.
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Was the gummer living amongst the mole people or a surface dweller? One needs to be careful exhanging monies for a quid pro ho. Those who dwell amongst the mole people tend to become light sensitive over time. If you have too much shine to your toadstool, they may overcompensate with said gumming, leaving their bicuspids imprinted on your precumbrian hog.

Ofcourse, YMMV
Not a bad track ,,, to me this still has Negura vibes ...
Heck that video is like Negura on a beach day.
Also I see that the singer still hasn't grown an inch. still getting filmed from low angles only.