WitTR- Black Cascade Latte Venti w/ a touch of cinnamon

In theory I should love this band, but unfortunately they kind of bore me. I have two albums, spin them on occasion, enjoyably less so than expected. But it has been some time since I've heard them, so I'm probably due for a listen.

EDIT: And, haha, I just remembered that I sent them my info when they were looking for a live bassist on some tour several years ago. They never wrote me back, the fuckers. :loco:
Yeah without clarification on whether he eats them out of her ass or not the result could truly go either way
I sent them some eco-terrorist-lite "essay" from back in my more-left-than-left days. And probably a performance video not unlike:

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that is the most disturbing thing I've seen since
Ive said it once, I'll say it again. My brush with the drummer at Noctis Valkyries still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Most pretentious fuck I ever met in my life.

I still hold this grudge to this day. I shouldve clotheslined this tiny pseudo kvltist and saved the world a mega dose of pretention.

I guess theyre trying to embrace their "metalness" nowadays and only using one teaspoon of cinnamon in their Cascadian lattes. A Diadem of 12 Stars still fooqin slays Im sure, but heh, little drummer boy is a bitch.

Never cared for them. My opinion may be different today.

That whole cascadian thing was kinda overrated. It was all based on a dreadfully overrated album, Dead as Dreams.

I like Alda and Harrow, though. If they count as Cascadian.
Never cared for them. My opinion may be different today.

That whole cascadian thing was kinda overrated. It was all based on a dreadfully overrated album, Dead as Dreams.

I like Alda and Harrow, though. If they count as Cascadian.

I remember hopping on a trolley in SF to go to their Amoeba Records. Dead as Dreams was the album I came away with. Hmm, and people wonder why Im obstinate about going digital.

"Ohhhh yea I remember in 2003 downloading X band on Bandcamp in my undies whilst eating a bag of ruffles. Oh those were the days." Fuck off with that horse shit.
