WitTR- Black Cascade Latte Venti w/ a touch of cinnamon

LOL ... the progeny is awesome!!! Best thing ever.

as far as Mr. Wheeler, just a vibe i got ... its hip to hate on WitTR no? :loco:
I just listened to this (saw the leak for it yesterday when I was checking out new Opeth). and yeah, not sure I'm loving it.
listening to this now ... first track in ... good production ... nice bass rumble, etc.
am I crazy .... this reminds me a bit of current NB somewhat.
it has a certain new "bombastic" vibe. like they are channeling Dimmu or somethin'
one thing I am tired of is these freaking 1-2 minute transitional wind chime channeling the lord of the rings tracks in BM. why the fuck do most bands do it?
this new one also ... 7 tracks and 2 are of that nature (actually 3, a longer chick sung ditty as well)

it's just as annoying and played out as those lame ass skits between tracks on hip-hop records
yeah, i have to agree that interlude stuff is quite obnoxious. yay, you're artsy. Where's the fucking metal.
it's supposed to put me in some sort of mood I guess ...
my motto is, if you don't or can't play it live ... don't put it on the fucking record.
anyway this Celestial Seasonings is a pretty damn good disc ... but it makes me want tea.
actually on final listen this disc is rather inconsistent ... doesn't flow well.

Thuja Magus Imperium and Astral Blood are my faves off of it on first spin.

i did like the early WitTR better though ... that repetitious hypnotic crap suits them better.