Wlecome Back An Estranged Friend?

Wicked Child

Mar 4, 2003
Vista, CA
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Man, it's been too long since i've hit this forum in a big way! I hope you guys will let me back into the elite brotherhood. Lots of things have happened since the last time i've talked to some of you ladies and gents, but i won't bore ya!

Time to catch up! What's been up here!? How're you guys n' gals!?
Hey! Good to see you. :wave: Everything's been pretty normal. It's feeling like old home week with you and The Marine both showing up. Cool! :headbang:
Good to see you in here again Nick !! I followed your live a bit on "Myspace" :)
(CD's are ready to be shipped , just got the promo's today !!!)
Wicky, about time you show up in here. The prodigal son has returned ;)

NP: Rick Wakeman - 'Just Another Day'
ah gee..thanks all! :oops: I'm so glad you guys n' gals are willing to let me back in! I appreciate it.:)

well, where to start!! I have a new job with the most ungodly hours (11pm to 7am), still doing the radio thing (i have THREE shows now!!) i am completely, totally and utterly in love with the greatest girl a guy could ever want, i moved twice (once from my parents' to my best friends' and the last one from my ex-best friends' to my own little studio), still going to school.....i can elaborate on any of this, but i don't wanna bore you with all the details...unless you want me to. ;)