Woah, check out the new update...

It was a figure of speech. :p

I do see a lot of black metal in My Arms, Your Hearse, though. The really fast strumming at the beginning of April Ethereal. The drumming, too.

Something like this.
lol wow... i dont like the whole black metal idea, i dont think theyve ever even said anything like that. its a rumor gone crazy. however, i WOULD love to hear opeth doing some crazy blast beats just for the hell of it. :loco:
Exactly, maybe we speculate because the SONGWRITER gave an idea of what he is looking at doing for the upcoming album.......why the fuck else??? Its not like we just started this black metal shit all on our own.....

EDIT: If not for that part in the documentary, I would imagine they would do another prog album like Damnation.
Why does everyone start speculating about an album 1 yr before it's even remotely slated to be released?

What makes you assume its release date will not be disclosed for at least a year? We're just curious... That's practically the point of these boards. Sheesh, do you want the place to go dormant until YOU find something worth talking about?
Sweet angry Jesus! I've always wanted to do something like this

Does anyone know if they want a group shot or separate drawings of each member??