woe is me


original rude boy
Nov 7, 2003
woe is me.
anyway, tell us all about the first time you went out, like the first time you went to a club or out to town or whatever.

i remember going into St Helens my local town when i was like 14ish dressed up like a little Lolita. Got knocked back form EVERYWHERE except some old mans pub...not nice.

but the first time i went out to a club was Garlands when i was 15/16. was a mad night. its a mad place. loads of blokes in nurse uniforms and lipstick, everyone is off their block being mesmorised by glow sticks...i was loving it. not been there for a while.
I went to garlands for the first time the other week and it was a funny night like :tickled: but the first time i went out to the pub i was 13 and i was wearing a white dress, red beads, spiked hair, red heels, red bag, gold stars on my face, from avon :D sheer 80's :headbang: and i was drinking cider an black, and i was scared incase me folks smelt me breath :loco:
actually i never graced the releams of l+l, never have, maybe i should try it some time.
i remember the first time i ever wentt o the krazyhouse i got pissed as a fart stood on podium and had desparate geeky type boys learning a dance routine from me - twas fucking hilarious and then i fell off the podium, in a skirt, which was even funnier - i think someone threw a drink at me too ahahhahaha too funny
first time I went a club I went to casi's sum grothole rock club in warrington of all places told me dad I was going to see jimmy eat world and strole in mine pissed as a fart at half 3 sayin I missed the train... ahh memories