Woe Is ME cover. could use some help

Feb 18, 2011
I was redirected to post here after posting this elsewhere but I think I should state I'm not actually trying to get a "rate" so to speak rather than actual suggestions. I'm listening to other members posts on here some of which sound like professional engineers slaved over for days and i just want to get to the same level with some guidance. I know a lot of people prob dont like this band yeah yeah i've already heard it. anyways first off I'm having trouble getting the drums to stand out they're the Joey Sturgis Black and Gold custom Truth kit drums. I'm not sure what to do to get the drums more up front. The guitars.....worst part, idk why but getting a decent sound on PodFarm its really starting to frustrate me ive got them highpassed and all that but i just cant get a good sound really pissin me off. and how do i bump the volume of the mix? Im working in logic 9. do you just bounce it as a low volume then reload the mix and bump it up then rebounce again? I suppose I'm what you would call a "newb" as this is the first time im actually trying to start getting some songs worth listening to out rather than just getting your bands EP recorded as quickly as possible lol. so please just point me in the right direction i will much appreciate it. anways heres the original song

heres my rough draft

and here's my rough draft with some "sparkle" from Izotope Ozone hah

thanks guys
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i asked Cameron Mizell what he used for guitars and he said
"I run a chain with various solo guitar models and lecto paulin plugin as if it were a real setup" so idk i found the plugin but as of now its windows only
i asked Cameron Mizell what he used for guitars and he said
"I run a chain with various solo guitar models and lecto paulin plugin as if it were a real setup" so idk i found the plugin but as of now its windows only

THAT SHIT IS LECTO? fuck me. i'm ashamed.
come to think of it, the guitar tone isn't THAT great, kinda boxy sounding. cause I use lecto on a lot of shit, guess that's the sound you get when you're running through descent preamps with fresh strings.
snare is a bad choice... i would use something with some more body.
the drums in general could use a buss for parallel compression and a bus for some reverb to mix in with what u have already.

im pretty sure they did all their own pre/production and the only thing thats real about the drums were the cymbals and a few layered fills. the drummer of my band actually has been filling in on bass for them on the past couple tours so i have asked alot of questions on this production as well. but i do know that guitars were def sims and obviously sturgis mastered everything.
snare is a bad choice... i would use something with some more body.
the drums in general could use a buss for parallel compression and a bus for some reverb to mix in with what u have already.

im pretty sure they did all their own pre/production and the only thing thats real about the drums were the cymbals and a few layered fills. the drummer of my band actually has been filling in on bass for them on the past couple tours so i have asked alot of questions on this production as well. but i do know that guitars were def sims and obviously sturgis mastered everything.

what would you say for a better snare? also would you suggest adding compression and reverb to the whole drum set or just like kick, snare, toms etc?
haha alright. nah you gotta buy the whole thing. there's EX and Platinum. if you want the famous snare 12a, then you need platinum
would you say the ex is relatively good? and does it come with the midi program? i cant really afford to drop 250 for the platinum quite yet haha